Committee of 300

The Committee of 300’s main objective is to establish a “One World Government”

Jacob Rothschild – A Committee of 300 Member- Rothschild se declara alarmado por el nuevo orden económico mundial.

Rothschild se declara alarmado por el nuevo orden económico mundial.

Jacob Rothschild, descendiente de la prominente dinastía de banqueros, ha expresado su preocupación sobre el estado del sistema financiero global establecido tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial y ha señalado a la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y China y a la crisis de la zona euro como los problemas clave que amenazan el desarrollo económico.

«En el 11-S y la crisis financiera de 2008, las potencias mundiales trabajaron conjuntamente con un enfoque común. A día de hoy, la cooperación resulta ser mucho más difícil. Esto pone en riesgo el orden económico y de seguridad de la posguerra», afirmó el multimillonario en un comentario al informe semestral de su ‘trust’ de inversiones.

En estas circunstancias, defendió adoptar una postura conservadora: «Nuestra política debe ser mantener nuestra exposición limitada a los valores cotizados y asumir nuevas obligaciones con gran precaución».

Su ‘trust’, RIT Capital Partners, cuenta con una exposición en bolsa históricamente baja, del 47 %.

El crecimiento bursátil podría estar llegando a su final

Rothschild admitió que el crecimiento bursátil experimentado en los últimos diez años podría estar llegando a su final.

«Este ciclo se encuentra en su décimo año positivo, el más largo en los registros. Estamos viendo emerger algunas áreas de crecimiento más débil. De hecho, el Fondo Monetario Internacional recientemente ha predicho una desaceleración«, señaló.

El banquero señaló los niveles de endeudamiento «potencialmente destructivos» en Europa y las guerras comerciales como los mayores problemas de la economía global.

«Es probable la continuación de problemas en los mercados emergentes, agravados por los crecientes tipos de interés y la política monetaria de la Reserva Federal de EE.UU., que ha drenado la liquidez del dólar globalmente«, agregó.


Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO, FRCA (born 29 April 1936) is a British peer and investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family. He is also honorary president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.

  • Net worth: US$6.04 billion

4th Baron Rothschild, Chairman of RIT Capital investments, Eton education, ex-chairman N M Rothschild & Sons, Council for the Duchy of Cornwall of Prince of Wales, Advisory Board of Blackstone Group, ex-Chairman of BSkyB Television, Director of RHJ International,

Coronavirus COVID19

Also please see:

Truth About Vaccines (

The Covid Scamdemic (

DrBhakdi CovidVaccines Criminal Human Experiment (

PCRTests Fake or Real (

Vaccines Revealed Dr Andrew Wakefield (

Vaccines Revealed Dr Rachid Buttar (

Vaccines Revealed Del Bigtree-Hirewire (

Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Coronavirus COVID19 

A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.


1 Interaction between SARS-COV-2 Prions & ACE2 Receptors

Interaction between SARS-COV-2 Prions & ACE2 Receptors

The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.

This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute:

Interactions between amino acids of PrDs and non-prion-like regions of SARS-
CoV-2 RBD and ACE2.

The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV S proteins share the same host cell receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2.

The Cross-Species Jump

This special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species infection which made it possible for the coronovirus to make a jump from animals to humans.


The special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species injection which made it possible for the coronovirus to make a jump from animals to humans.

A remarkable fact is that the Coronavirus carried by bats cannot directly infect the human body, let alone a virus that can possess human-to-human transmission. 

This cross-species jump was not natural and was achieved by the team lead by the Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli. You can read more about it in detail in COVID19 Files – Scientific Investigation On Mysterious Origin Of Coronavirus.

This is what Batwoman of China had to say when GreatGameIndia exposed the research done in Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It was funded under gain-of-function experiments through Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance by the US Government.

The Coverup

The interesting part is that Peter Daszak is the same guy who orchestrated the publication of a ‘scientific’ paper in Lancet claiming that the virus made the cross-species jump naturally.

How can the same guy who funded the experiments to make the cross-species jump of the virus, claim that it evolved naturally?


If you think that’s outrageous, well just wait for it.

President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak

Peter Daszak is also the same guy the WHO sent to China to investigate the claims whether the virus evolved naturally or was coronavirus engineered.

Yet another person linked to the team is Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier, another key to the coronavirus investigation who also created the deadly mutant H5N1 virus.

We encourage our readers to explore more about the amazing personalities in the WHO investigative team.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines & Prion-based Diseases

What are Prions

Because of such experiments by these eminent scientists the virus contains prions-like domains in its receptor region of the spike protein.


Prions are misfolded proteins with the ability to transmit their misfolded shape onto normal variants of the same protein. They characterize several fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative diseases in humans and many other animals.

How mRNA Vaccines Work

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule naturally present in all of our cells. It carries the instructions for making proteins from our genes, located in the cell nucleus, to the cytoplasm, the main body of our cells.

Enzymes in the cytoplasm then translate the information stored in mRNA and make proteins.

An mRNA vaccine delivers the instructions for making a bacterial or viral protein to our cells. Our immune system then responds to these proteins and develops the tools to react to future infections with the pathogen.

mRNA Vaccine induced Prion-based diseases

Research has shown that RNA editing alterations cause prion diseases – fatal neurodegenerative disorders characterized by rapidly progressive dementia.

Research has shown that RNA editing alterations cause prion diseases – fatal neurodegenerative disorders characterized by rapidly progressive dementia.

Now when the mRNA vaccine triggers the immune response, the body may itself start creating prions induced by the vaccine mimicking its presence in the spike protein causing prion-based disease in the vaccine recipients.

The risk of this was assessed by Dr. J. Bart Classen, who authored a paper (read below) in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases titled “Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease.”

Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past. The current RNA based SARS-
CoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing.

The authors evaluated the vaccine for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.

The intricate mechanisms of neurodegeneration in prion diseases

The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations.

The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.

The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

The finding of the study as well as additional potential risks lead the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.

Prions maintain Long-term Memories

The vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The memory molecules are a normal version of prion proteins.

In four papers published in Neuron and Cell Reports, Dr. Kandel’s laboratory showed how prion-like proteins – similar to the prions behind mad cow disease in cattle and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease in humans – are critical for maintaining long-term memories in mice, and probably in other mammals.

When long-term memories are created in the brain, new connections are made between neurons to store the memory. But those physical connections must be maintained for a memory to persist, or else they will disintegrate and the memory will disappear within days.

Memories are stored for the long-term with the help of prion-like proteins called CPEB. CPEB prions aggregate and maintain synapses that recorded the memory.

When CPEB prions are not present or are inactivated, the synapses collapse and the memory fades.

– David Sulzer, PhD, Columbia University Medical Center

Prions and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Prions are also known to cause a neurodegenerative disorder called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

According to the CDC:

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative disorder believed to be caused by an abnormal isoform of a cellular glycoprotein known as the prion protein. 

As per the CDC, this disease is rapidly progressive and always fatal. Infection with this disease leads to death usually within 1 year of onset of illness.

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  1. themisthiosApril 10, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Brain degeneration amongst those daft enough to take the vaccine will be difficult to detect as the media and state education has already killed millions of brian cells in their heads.

  1. BarneyApril 10, 2021 at 4:24 pm

Delores Cahill is right – this is all about “Slow Kill”. Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People will Start Dying a Few Months After the First MRNA Vaccination:

  1. lynnthomaApril 12, 2021 at 12:21 am

Although I have serious concerns about these experimental vaccines, viruses don’t exist, so I’m unsure what to believe and not believe in this article.

  1. Margita KolcakovaApril 12, 2021 at 7:55 pm

Odpoveď pre Lynnthom: na Internete koluje už nepočetné množstvo článkov od profesionálnych vedcov, lekárov a ďalších ľudí, ktorých upozornenia sa celkovo, či čiastočne zhodujú s týmto zverejnením. Zhodujú sa však jednoznačne v tom, že kto tak túžobne chce, nech sa dá očkovať, jeho zodpovednosť, lebo bol upozornený a predsa sa z vlastnej vôle rozhodol. Tak je to aj s vierou v Spasenie – záchrane Kristom Kráľom neba i zeme a večnosti. Sú stále tí istí, ktorí váhajú, ktorí si v sebe myslia, že je to bájka istých ľudí, tzv kresťanov, že je to až šialenstvom, že radšej od toho a takých na kilometre. Aké bude ich zdesenie, že predsa počuli volanie pre všetkých, aby sa dali zachrániť a prišli ku Kristovi takí špinaví a hriešní bez Boha na svete a On ich prijme a ukáže im cestu, lebo On je tou cestou pravdou i životom, kto uverí, bude zachránení. Tak uverte , že skutočná pravda je, nedajte sa očkovať za žiadnu cenu a uverte v ponúkanú Božiu záchranu, lebo idú najhoršie časy, aké vôbec kedy boli na zemi a tí, ktorí uverili budú zachránení. Tento svetový poriadok končí prevzali ho do moci iní- horší od satana a to je ten Nový svetový poriadok, kde nepotrebujú napr. Slovákov a väčšinu ľudí z národov, potrebujú otrokov, ktorí sa im podrobia, ostatní pomrú ako muchy, alebo kobylky Nuž zodpovednosť je na každom z nás. Už nie je bezstarostný život, už je na každom človeku jeho osobná zodpovednosť. Prajem pekný zvyšok dňa a dobré osobné rozhodnutie, ktoré za vás nemôže nik iný urobiť! AMEN!

  1. Debbie MasonApril 13, 2021 at 1:47 am

My father had Parkinson’s now after vaccine he is in the senio pysho ward! I think vaccine did this please help my dad!

  1. zHUApril 13, 2021 at 10:10 pm

batwoman shi zengli, the chinese communist party shill: GO FUCK YOURSELF COMMUNIST WHORE AND SHUT YOUR OWN STINKING VOMITHOLE!

  1. TonyaApril 14, 2021 at 2:30 am

And they told us what would happen in Escape from NY… a vaccine for curing cancer turned the majority of the population into flesh eating night walking zombies….
So sad that no one put younger ghe odd facts that we now nolonger have colds or flu… or even pneumonia… only the unisolated covid virus…

  1. lynnthomaApril 14, 2021 at 4:42 am

Margita Kolcakova Ďakujem

  1. Shannon PAtrickApril 14, 2021 at 7:30 am

Are you sure it’s not a Emperor has no clothes kinda situation?

  1. 5warveteranApril 14, 2021 at 11:23 pm

Viruses ARE parasites and should be treated as such. No more globalist vaccine bullshit.

  1. Joe F.April 16, 2021 at 1:41 am

I’m not a scientist (I wish I was), but I can say there is some sort of curious connection here between parasites (scabies, scrapie, giardia) and covid. I say this because one can see that hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and there’s one more common anti-parasite or anti-worm drug that’s just getting attention (what’s its name?) that is also being used for covid. And then there’s sweet wormwood or artemisia used to treat malaria also used to treat covid.

So, the question (at least for me–the layperson who’s trying to learn more) is what is the connection between viruses, parasites and covid? I’ve read that all viruses are parasites…

Anyway, there’s more to this than we know at present.

  1. Isabelle BEAUCAMPApril 17, 2021 at 10:41 pm

Il me semble que le lien serait l’amer, l’amertume: Quinine, Artemisia, Ivermectin ont un goût amer.

CJD-Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is caused by an infectious form of a type of protein called a prion. In CJD, this prion is abnormally shaped compared with the normal prion protein. (Normal prion proteins are found throughout the body, mainly in the nervous system).

CJD prion disease – Bio Weapon – A Waisting Disease from contaminated meat

CJD disease,throughout%20the%20body%2C%20mainly%20in%20the%20nervous%20system%29
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is caused by an infectious form of a type of protein called a prion. In CJD, this prion is abnormally shaped compared with the normal prion protein. (Normal prion proteins are found throughout the body, mainly in the nervous system).
  • What is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare, fatal brain disorder. The disease causes problems with cognition (thinking and memory), as well as other symptoms.There are three types of CJD:
    • Sporadic CJD. In this type, the disease develops in a person for unknown reason(s). Occurring in about 85 percent of cases, this is the most common form of CJD
    • Hereditary CJD. In this type, there is a family history of the disease. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of cases of CJD are hereditary.
    • Acquired CJD. In this type, an infection following a medical procedure or eating the meat of an infected animal leads to CJD. Acquired CJD accounts for less than 1 percent of cases of CJD.
    Who gets Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is typically seen beginning around 60 years of age. Only about 300 to 400 cases of CJD are diagnosed in the United States each year. Worldwide, CJD occurs in about 1 out of every 1 million persons.
  • What causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is caused by an infectious form of a type of protein called a prion. In CJD, this prion is abnormally shaped compared with the normal prion protein. (Normal prion proteins are found throughout the body, mainly in the nervous system). Scientists believe the abnormal shape of these prion proteins causes them to clump together in the brain, causing nerve cell death and the brain damage that cause the symptoms of CJD.In sporadic CJD, scientists think an error in the way cells make proteins results in the development of the abnormally shaped prion proteins. Errors in cell development occur more frequently as one grows older, which might explain why the disease is mostly seen in people over 60 years old.In hereditary CJD, a change (mutation) in the gene that makes the normal prion protein changes it into the infectious form. The abnormally shaped prion protein then continues to reproduce. It should be noted that although this gene can be inherited by children of those who have the disease, not all of the children will develop CJD.In acquired CJD, the abnormally shaped prion protein is introduced from outside the body—for example, in the meat from an animal that has the disease, or a surgical instrument. When the abnormally shaped prion encounters normal prions, the normal prions change to the abnormal shape. The now abnormally shaped prion protein replicates and spreads.Researchers are still trying to understand how the abnormally shaped prion proteins damage the brain and what factors make a person more likely to develop CJD.Because Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an infectious disease, can it be spread from person to person?Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is an extremely rare disease that is NOT spread from person to person in the usual way that other infectious illnesses are, such as colds or the flu. There are only rare case reports of individuals who have potentially contracted the disease through blood, organ transplants, or other tissue transplants that were from individuals with unrecognized CJD. The strict criteria for blood, organ and tissue donations include prevention of CJD disease transmission.What are the symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?Early symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) may include:
    • Cognitive problems (trouble with memory, thinking, communication, planning and/or judgment)
    • Confusion, disorientation
    • Impaired balance or walking
    • Vision problems
    • Behavior changes, including depression, agitation, mood swings, and anxiety
    Later symptoms may include:
    • Severe mental decline
    • Involuntary muscle movements such as muscle jerks in arms and legs (called myoclonus), muscle stiffness, spasms, and tremors
    • Blindness
    • Weakness in arms and legs
    • Coma
    DIAGNOSIS AND TESTSHow is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) diagnosed?Tests that can aid in the diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) include:
    • Electroencephalogram (EEG). Some types of CJD have a unique electrical brain wave pattern that can be seen on an EEG.
    • Lumbar puncture (also called spinal tap)Abnormal prion proteins can be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients with the Real Time-Quaking-Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) test.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This brain scan can detect deterioration and malfunction of brain tissue.
    While these tests are quite accurate in the diagnosis of CJD, the only absolute way to confirm the diagnosis of CJD is by brain biopsy. In a brain biopsy, a small piece of brain tissue is removed and examined under a microscope. Usually a brain biopsy would be performed to rule out treatable diseases, such as encephalitis or meningitis.If a blood relative has been diagnosed with CJD, family members may want to seek the advice of a genetic counselor. Although a simple blood test can detect the prion disease mutation, getting a blood test can be a life-altering decision. A genetic counselor can help you work through the decision-making process.MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENTHow is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) treated?Currently, there is no treatment or cure for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Medications can ease some of the symptoms of the disease, such as pain, depression and muscle jerks. Supportive care, such as physical therapy for fall prevention and speech therapy to aid communication, can also be offered.OUTLOOK / PROGNOSISWhat is the prognosis (outcome) for people with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)?The outcome for people with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is poor. Approximately 70 to 90 percent of patients die within 1 year of the diagnosis.RESOURCESWhat resources are available for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
David Reuben-Committee of 300 Member



$7.7Bas of 4/23/21


$7.7Bas of 4/6/21 –

David Reuben (born 1941) and Simon Reuben (born 1944) are British businessmen.[1] In May 2020, they were named as the second richest family in the UK by the Sunday Times Rich List with a net worth of £16 billion

David and Simon Reuben

The brothers were born in BombayBritish India, the sons of David Sassoon Reuben and Nancy Reuben,[3] a prosperous Baghdadi Jewish family.[1] The brothers arrived in London in the 1950s with their mother, Nancy, and lived in Islington;[1] having run various businesses across the Indian Subcontinent from their bases in Bombay and Baghdad.[4] The brothers attended state schools, with Simon never completing his formal education

  • Brothers David and Simon Reuben built a fortune in real estate and technology.
  • In December 2016, they sold 49% of their data center business, GlobalSwitch, to a consortium of Chinese investors for nearly $3 billion.
  • The brothers were born in Mumbai and raised in the U.K., where David started off trading metals and Simon imported carpets and bought real estate.
  • Their firm Transworld, a metals trader, invested in Russia and Kazakhstan in the 1990s and was active in trading aluminum.
  • Jean-Pierre Roth –Comittee of 300 Member
SuisseJean-Pierre Roth opposé à un nouveau taux plancher
L’ancien président de la Banque nationale suisse (BNS) loue la capacité de résistance «extraordinaire» de l’économie suisse après l’abandon du cours plancher.

Publié: 16.01.2017, 08h40

Jean-Pierre Roth a été président de la BNS entre 2001 et 2009.
Jean-Pierre Roth a été président de la BNS entre 2001 et 2009.Keystone

Vouloir réintroduire un taux plancher de l’eur

Jaime Caruana- Committee of 300 Member
Jaime Caruana- Committee of 300 Member
General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements
In office
1 April 2009 – 30 November 2017
Preceded byMalcolm Knight
Succeeded byAgustín Carstens
67th Governor of the Bank of Spain
In office
21 July 2000 – 12 July 2006
Preceded byLuis Ángel Rojo Duque
Succeeded byMiguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez
Personal details
Born14 March 1952 (age 69)
Alma materTechnical University of Madrid

Conspirators Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman

Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 1 of 6
Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 2 of 6
Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 3 of 6
Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 4 of 6
Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 5 of 6

Hierarchy Committee of 300 Dr John Coleman – 6 of 6

Exposing The Committee of 300 By Dr John Coleman – 1 of 3
Exposing The Committee of 300 By Dr John Coleman – 2 of 3
Exposing The Committee of 300 By Dr John Coleman – 3a
Exposing The Committee of 300 By Dr John Coleman – 3b

The ‘Committee of 300’: Complete List of Members

The ‘Committee of 300’: Complete List of Members


(Humans Are FreeThe members of the “Committee of 300” are basically the people who run the world today. Above them, there is another group, called The Council of 33, and above that there is yet another group, The Council of 13 (a.k.a. Crown Council of 13), which is made of just 13 of the most powerful families on Earth.

Related QAnon: “Worth remembering [think what you see today].” — September 13th to 14th 2020 (4686 to 4700))

Source – Humans Are Free

by Staff Writer, September 30th, 2020

The important thing about these families is not just their incredible wealth, but also their very long ancestry – these families can allegedly trace their lineages all the way back to the ancient “gods,” who gave Earth’s leadership to their “demigod” offsprings (i.e the children that the “gods” had with human women) before leaving Earth with the promise to return in the future.

These 13 families are considered top of the hierarchy of the global elite and all have ties to each other through marriage as well as blood so that the fortunes of each family are linked both to each other and to the success of the plan to create a New World Order.

You can read more about the Council of 13 at THIS LINK.

It is also important to note that the ruler of the Council of 13, and consequently the most powerful man on Earth, is the head of the Rothschild family (which is the most powerful of the “elite” families). He is called The Pindar, and you can read more on the subject HERE (before proceeding with this link, be warned that the rabbit hole is very deep and it is directly connected to otherworldly beings, hence why some of the top researchers have always maintained that the New World Order agenda is, in fact, the Alien Agenda).

Now back to the Committee of 300.

The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300.

The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time.

Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

There is no need to use “they” or “the enemy” except as shorthand. We know who “they”, the enemy, is.

The Committee of 300 with its “aristocracy”, its ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators – this is the enemy.

Secret societies exist by deception.

Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity.

The members of the Council of 300 are royals, top bankers, “elite” billionaires, top religious figures, media moguls, top military figures and some of the top politicians (personally, I suspect that the generals and the politicians are not permanent members of the Committee, and their seats can be vacated and filled by others, if necessary).

Some reports mention a Committee of 500, which means that it is possible that the Committee of 300 has been expanded to include 500 members (and, consequently, had to change its name), or maybe that is another Committee entirely, which is placed below the Committee of the 500.

Below, You Will Find The Complete List Of The Committee Of 300 As Of 2010*:

Conspirator’s Hierarchy : The Committee of 300 Paperback – January 1, 1992
by John Coleman (Author)

Can you imagine an all powerful group, that knows no national boundaries, above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members? To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The conception of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, “It can’t happen here, our Constitution forbids it.” That there is such a body, called “The committee of 300,” is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about “they”; this book tells precisely who “they” are, and what “TheY” have planned for our future, how “they” have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink of losing, what methods “They” use and exactly how “they” have brainwashed us. If you are Puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don’t like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, Why the united states is in a depression from which it will not emerge, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, the conSPirators’ hierarchy: the committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees. Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, economic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored.

Abdullah II King of Jordan – Important imperial puppet in Middle East, British-educated, American wife

Roman Abramovich – Russian Oligarch, $12B net worth, major British ties

Josef Ackermann – Swiss Banker and CEO Deutsche Bank

Edward Adeane – British trustee, Eton graduate, private secretary of Prince of Wales

Marcus Agius – British-Maltese financier, Group Chairman Barclay’s Bank, sits on board of BBC, married to daughter of Edmund de Rothschild

Martti Ahtisaari – ex-president of Finland, 2008 Nobel peace prize, involved in UN action in Kosovo,

Daniel Akerson – CEO General Motors, formerly CEO of MCI, General Instrument, Nextel, joined Carlyle group in 2003,

Albert II King of Belgium – King of Belgium, same dynasty as Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia – heir to King of Yugoslavia,_Crown_Prince_of_Yugoslavia

Giuliano Amato – ex-PM of Italy, V.P of convention which drafted EU Constitution

Carl A. Anderson – 13th “Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus”, sits on council at Vatican Bank

Giulio Andreotti – ex-PM of Italy, accused in court of mob ties and murder

Andrew Duke of York – 2nd son of Elizabeth II, 4th in line to throne of 16 countries, connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,,_Duke_of_York

Anne Princess Royal – daughter of Elizabeth II,,_Princess_Royal

Nick Anstee – 682nd “Lord Mayor of the City of London” connected to Arthur Andersen accounting scandal, director of int’l law firm SJ Berwin

Timothy Garton Ash – British historian, Professor at Oxford, European CFR, winner of “George Orwell Prize”

William Waldorf Astor – 4th Viscount Astor, heir to Astor dynasty, Eton graduate, sits on House of Lords,,_4th_Viscount_Astor

Pyotr Aven – Russian Oligarch with close British ties

Jan Peter Balkenende – ex-PM of Netherlands, puppet of Queen Beatrix head of the Bilderbergs and cousin of Elizabeth II

Steve Ballmer – CEO of Microsoft, Net worth $15.7B, #5 on Jerusalem Post’s “World’s Richest Jews”

Ed Balls – British politician, Fabian society,
Jose Manuel Barroso – President of the European Commission, ex-PM of Portugal, former Maoist,

Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands – Queen of Netherlands, head of Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome

Marek Belka – ex-PM of Poland, former IMF, former head of National Bank of Poland,

Fred Bergsten – US economist, author, and political adviser, and member of globalist think tanks, ex-US Treasury Department

Silvio Berlusconi – ex-PM of Italy, $5.9B net worth, accused by courts of mafia collusion, false accounting, fraud, corruption and bribery

Ben Bernanke – Chairman of US Federal Reserve,

Nils Bernstein – Danish National Bank

Donald Berwick – head of US Medicare, medicaid, connected to Obamacare, Professor at Harvard Medical School, several British Titles

Carl Bildt – ex-PM of Sweden, involved in Balkans, globalist instigator, Club of Madrid

Sir Winfried Bischoff – chairman of Lloyds Banking Group, ex-CEO of Citigroup,

Tony Blair – ex British PM, connected to illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, accused of war crimes,

Lloyd Blankfein – CEO Goldman-Sachs, connected to Rockefeller,

Leonard Blavatnik – Russian Oligarch living in London, net worth $10.1B, owner of Access Industries, connected to Harvard and Tel Aviv University,

Michael Bloomberg – Mayor of New York City, net worth $22B, owner of Bloomberg Media,

Frits Bolkestein – Dutch politician involved in EU directives and globalism initiatives

Hassanal Bolkiah – Sultan of Brunei, net worth $20B, British Higher education, connected to Royal Dutch Shell, honorary Admiral of the Royal Navy of UK

Michael C Bonello – Governor of the Central Bank of Malta

Emma Bonino – EU minister, ex-EU Parliament,

David L. Boren – US Presidential Advisor, ex-Governor of Oklahoma, ex-US Senate, ex-chairman of Intelligence Committee in Senate,

Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg – Duke of Mecklenburg,_Duke_of_Mecklenburg

Charles Bronfman – Owner of Seagram liquor, net worth $2B, Canadian Jew, founder of a Zionist charity,

Edgar Bronfman Jr. – ex-CEO of Warner Music Group, member of Bronfman dynasty

John Bruton –  ex-PM of Ireland,

Zbigniew Brzezinski – head of Trilateral Commission, former US presidential adviser, involved in globalist think tanks and propaganda, connected to 911, connected to bin Laden, connected to illegal war in Afghanistan, ex-Harvard, member of CFR, former head of Amnesty International,

Robin Budenberg – head of UK governmental body that oversaw the bailouts

Warren Buffett – Owner of Berkshire Hathaway,  Net Worth $44B, profits off of American impoverishment, connect to Gulf of Mexico disaster as owner of Nalco which manufactured Corexit, a toxin still dumped in the Gulf, connected to 911,

George HW Bush – ex-US President, ex-US Vice President, father connected to Nazis, international banking, big oil and drug trafficking, ex-CIA, connected to JFK and RFK assassinations, connected to 911 and both Iraq wars, head of an international terrorist crime family, known skull and bones and 33rd degree Freemason

David Cameron – PM of UK, Eton and Oxford graduate, puppet of Elizabeth II, connected to Rothschilds,

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall – 2nd wife of Prince of Wales,,_Duchess_of_Cornwall

Fernando Henrique Cardoso – ex-President of Brazil
Peter Carington – British Politician and Baron, House of Lords,

Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden – King of Sweden, close cousin of Elizabeth II,

Carlos Duke of Parma – Dutch royalty with many titles, and head of several orders, Knight of Malta,,_Duke_of_Parma

Mark Carney – governor of Bank of Canada, 13 years at Goldman Sachs,

Cynthia Carroll – CEO of Anglo American platinum mining,

Jaime Caruana – GM of Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-Governor of Bank of Spain,

Sir William Castell – Chairman of Wellcome Trust, Director of General Electric and BP

Anson Chan – Chinese politician involved in British rule of Hong Kong

Margaret Chan – Director-General of World Health Organization, ex Hong Kong government,

Norman Chan – Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Charles Prince of Wales – heir to throne of British Commonwealth, pushes “sustainable development” globalist and monetary manipulation of 3rd world countries in particular resource extraction and population control at United Nations and hundreds of NGO’s, Freemason, connected to murder of his first wife Princess Diana,

Richard Chartres – Anglican Bishop Of London

Stefano Delle Chiaie – “neofascist” Italian activist, Freemason, accused by a court of terrorism, connected to Operation Condor

Dr John Chipman – Director-General of globalist British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies,

Patokh Chodiev – Uzbek Oligarch living in London, net worth $3.3B, involved in mining, oil, gas, and banking

Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein – Prince of Schleswig-Holstein,_Prince_of_Schleswig-Holstein

Fabrizio Cicchitto – Italian politician, Marxist, admitted to being in the Masonic lodge P2, involved in putting Italy into the EU

Wesley Clark – US general, ex-Supreme Allied Commander Europe in NATO, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, connected to Waco, ran for US President,

Kenneth Clarke – British politician and bureaucrat,

Nick Clegg – Deputy Prime Minister of UK,

Bill Clinton – ex-US President, ex-governor of Arkansas, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, involved in sheltering bin Laden, connected to Bush family, connected to international drug trafficking, connected to Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Freemason, connected to technology transfers to China,

Abby Joseph Cohen – US economist, Goldman Sachs, ex-Federal Reserve, Chairman of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Trustee of Cornell University,

Ronald Cohen – Egyptian-born British Jewish venture capitalist, educated at Oxford,

Gary Cohn – President and COO of Goldman Sachs

Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano – Duke of Paliano

Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands – third son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Constantine II King of Greece – last King of Greece,

David Cooksey – British venture capitalist, ex-Director of Bank of England, chairman of Bechtel, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Brian Cowen – ex-PM of Ireland, helped cause Ireland capitulation to IMF and EU,

Sir John Craven – Director of Reuters, ex-Director of Deutsche Bank, ex-chairman of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell

Andrew Crockett – British Banker, ex-GM of Bank for International Settlements, ex-Bank of England, employed at JP Morgan Chase, member of Group of 30, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Uri Dadush – Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ex-World Bank, educated at Hebrew University and Harvard,

Tony D’Aloisio – Chairman of Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ex-Director of World Federation of Stock Exchanges, pushed globalist initiatives,

Alistair Darling – Scottish politician and MP,

Sir Howard Davies – British economist, Director of London School of Economics and Political Science, globalist initiatives and propaganda

Etienne Davignon – Belgian politician, ex-VP of European Commission, chairman of Bilderberg, chairman of Brussels Airlines,

David Davis – British MP,

Benjamin de Rothschild – Swiss Banker, descendant of French branch of Rothschild dynasty,

David Rene de Rothschild – chairman of Rothschild Continuations Holdings, French branch of Rothschild dynasty,

Evelyn de Rothschild – British financier, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons, ex-Director De Beers, ex-Director IBM UK, ex-director Daily Telegraph, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Leopold de Rothschild – British financier, ex-employee of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., Morgan Stanley, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons,

Joseph Deiss – Swiss economist and politician, ex-President of the United Nations General Assembly, globalist,

Oleg Deripaska – Russian Oligarch, net worth $16.8B, CEO of Basic Element, CEO of United Company RUSAL aluminum, connected to Rothschilds,

Michael Dobson – British businessman, CEO of Schroders international asset management, connected to Rockefellers,

Mario Draghi – President of European Central Bank, ex- Governor of Bank of Italy, ex-Harvard professor,

Jan Du Plessis – South African Businessman, CEO of British American Tobacco, director of Lloyds TSB Group, chairman of Rio Tinto mining,

William C. Dudley – President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, ex-Goldman Sachs,

Wim Duisenberg – Dutch politician, ex-President of European Central Bank, ex-President of the Central bank of Netherlands, ex-IMF, DECEASED

Edward Duke of Kent – Duke of Kent, First Cousin to Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales, President of Scout Association,_Duke_of_Kent

Edward Earl of Wessex – Third son of Elizabeth II,,_Earl_of_Wessex

Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom – Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass, connected to most crimes and fraud in the world,

John Elkann – Italian Industrialist, Owner of Fiat, Owner of Chrysler, CEO of Exor, member of Brookings Institution,

Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples – Prince of Naples, Duke of Savoy, member of P2 masonic lodge, accused by a court of murder,,_Prince_of_Naples

Ernst August Prince of Hanover – Prince of Hanover and married to heiress to throne of Monaco,,_Prince_of_Hanover

Martin Feldstein – American economist, Professor at Harvard, ex-adviser to Reagan,

Matthew Festing – British Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, officer of the Order of the British Empire,

François Fillon – Prime Minister of France,

Heinz Fischer – President of Austria,

Joschka Fischer – German politician, ex-Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany,

Stanley Fischer – American-Israeli economist, Governor of the Bank of Israel, ex-Chief Economist of World Bank, Bilderberg

Niall FitzGerald – Irish Businessman, ex-CEO of Unilever, member of World Economic Forum, connected to Merck, Bank of Ireland and Prudential,

Franz Duke of Bavaria – Duke of Bavaria, co-heir of House of tuart,,_Duke_of_Bavaria

Mikhail Fridman – Jewish Russian Oligarch, net worth $15.1B, member of Russian CFR, founder of Russian Jewish Congress,

Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau – Prince of Orange-Nassau, second son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Bill Gates – ex-CEO Microsoft, net worth $61B, allowed unfettered surveillance of MS Windows, connected to globalist depopulation efforts through vaccines,

Christopher Geidt – Private Secretary of Elizabeth II, educated at Oxford,

Timothy Geithner – US Treasury Secretary, ex-President New York Federal Reserve, connected to TARP bailout theft,

Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia – Prince of Prussia,,_Prince_of_Prussia

Dr Chris Gibson-Smith – Chairman of London Stock Exchange,

Mikhail Gorbachev – Ex-Premiere of Soviet Union, Club of Madrid, Globalist Initiatives,

Al Gore – ex-VP of USA, ex-US Senator, educated at Harvard, father was a senator connected to Armand Hammer – a communist Soviet,  Nobel Peace Prize for pushing Global Warming Scam,

Allan Gotlieb – Canadian bureaucrat, member Trilateral Commission, member of Carlyle Group, chairman of Sotheby’s Canada, globalist pushing North American Union,

Stephen Green – British baron, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, ex-Chairman HSBC, educated at Oxford and MIT,_Baron_Green_of_Hurstpierpoint

Alan Greenspan – ex-Chairman of US Federal Reserve, Knight Commander of the British Empire,

Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster – Duke of Westminster, net worth 7.35B pounds, richest property developer in UK,,_6th_Duke_of_Westminster

Jose Angel Gurria – Secretary General of NGO OECD, ex-CEO of National Development Bank of Mexico, ex-CEO of Foreign Trade Bank,

William Hague – Foreign Secretary of UK, educated at Oxford,

Sir Philip Hampton – Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, ex-finance director of Lloyds, BT Group, BG Group and British Steel,

Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein – Prince of Lichtenstein, owner of LGT Banking Group, net worth $7.6B,,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein

Harald V King of Norway – King of Norway,

Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada, Zionist, pusher of globalism and North American Union,

François Heisbourg – President of International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based globalist think tank

Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg – Duke of Luxembourg, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order,,_Grand_Duke_of_Luxembourg

Philipp Hildebrand – ex-head of Swiss National Bank, Oxford-educated,

Carla Anderson Hills – Co-chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, executive committee member of Trilateral Commission, ex-HUD secretary, pushes North American Union,

Richard Holbrooke – American bureaucrat, Presidential Advisor, connected to Vietnam, DECEASED

Patrick Honohan – Governor of Central Bank of Ireland,

Alan Howard – British hedge fund manager managing $26B of assets, ex-Salomon Brothers,

Alijan Ibragimov – Kyrgyzstani Oligarch, mining, oil and gas in Kazakhstan,

Stefan Ingves – Governor of central bank of Sweden,

Walter Isaacson – CEO of globalist think tank Aspen Institute, Managing Editor Time Magazine, Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors, connected to Katrina,

Juan Carlos King of Spain – King of Spain, many other titles,

Kenneth M. Jacobs – CEO of Lazard,

DeAnne Julius – Chairman of Chatham House (RIIA), ex-World Bank, ex-CIA, founding member of Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England,

Jean-Claude Juncker – Prime Minister of Luxembourg, ex-President of European Council,

Peter Kenen – Senior Fellow in International Economics at CFR, Ford Foundation, Globalist

John Kerry – US Senator, Presidential Candidate, Skull and Bones, family wealth from Heinz ketchup and the opium trade before that, Freemason, false heroics in Vietnam,

Mervyn King – Governor of the Bank of England, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire,

Glenys Kinnock – Council Member of European Council on Foreign Relations, ex-European Parliament, House of Lords,

Henry Kissinger – ex-US Secretary of State, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Club, Nobel Peace Prize, connected to Vietnam and Cambodia, involved in Chile mass murder, connected to Balkans, accused by courts of war crimes and terrorism,

Malcolm Knight – Canadian Vice-Chairman of Deutsche Bank, ex-GM Bank for International Settlements, London education,

William H. Koon II – Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, no link

Paul Krugman – American Economist and Globalist propagandist, educated at Yale and London School of Economics, CFR,

John Kufuor – ex-President of Ghana, ex-Chairperson of the African Union,

Giovanni Lajolo – President of the Governate of Vatican City State, Cardinal emeritus President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City,

Anthony Lake – Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),

Richard Lambert – ex-Director-General of the CBI, Chancellor of University of Warwick UK, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Pascal Lamy – Director-General of World Trade Organization,

Jean-Pierre Landau – ex-IMF, ex-Board of Directors for Bank for International Settlements, ex Bank of France,

Timothy Laurence – husband of the only daughter of Elizabeth II,

James Leigh-Pemberton – British Banker, Receiver-General for Duchy of Cornwall (Prince of Wales), educated at Eton, ex-S.G. Warburg and Co. and managing director at Credit Suisse

Leka Crown Prince of Albania – Prince of Albania, heir to King of Albania,

Mark Leonard – British globalist in think tanks and propagandist, co-founder and director of European CFR,

Peter Levene – British Baron, chairman of NBNK Investments, ex-Lord mayor of City of London,

Lev Leviev – Bukharian-Israeli Oligarch, net worth $12B, diamond mining in Angola, and Palestinian settlements,

Arthur Levitt – ex-Chairman of SEC, advisor at Carlyle Group,

President of CSV Jewish Care, Jewish Free School, and JLGB

Joe Lieberman – American-Israeli Senator, connected to 911, connected to Patriot Act, connected to many tyrannical laws,

Ian Livingston – CEO of BT (British Telecom),

Lee Hsien Loong – Prime minister of Singapore, British-educated,

Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este – Belgian royalty,,_Archduke_of_Austria-Este

Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou – Duke of Anjou, claimant to defunct King of France,,_Duke_of_Anjou

Gerard Louis-Dreyfus – chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services, net worth $2.9B,

Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau – wife of 2nd son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Peter Mandelson – British bureaucrat, MP, ex-European Commissioner for Trade, connected to Rothschilds,

Sir David Manning – ex-British Ambassador to the United States, connected to Iraq invasion, ex-British ambassador to Israel,

Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este – Wife of Archduke of Austria-Este,_Archduchess_of_Austria-Este

Margrethe II Queen of Denmark – Queen of Denmark,

Guillermo Ortiz Martinez – Mexican bureaucrat, ex-ambassador to IMF,

Alexander Mashkevitch – Khazak-Israeli Oligarch, metals and gas in Khazakstan, connected to ENRC,

Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci – Scion of Massimo dynasty and Italian royalty,

Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano – Massimo dynasty and royalty

William Joseph McDonough – vice chairman of Merril Lynch, ex-President of NY Federal Reserve, ex-First National Bank of Chicago, CFR

Mack McLarty – ex-White House Chief of Staff under Clinton, CEO of McLarty Companies, board of directors Arkla Gas, National Petroleum Council, connected to Kissinger,

Yves Mersch – Governor of Central Bank of Luxembourg, member of European Central Bank governing council, connected to BIIS,

Michael Prince of Kent – British Royalty, 1st cousin of Elizabeth II, grandmaster of two Masonic lodges,

Michael King of Romania – King of Romania, 3rd cousin of Elizabeth II, connected to communism,

David Miliband – British bureaucrat,

Ed Miliband – British bureaucrat and MP, educated at Oxford and London School of Economics, father was Marxist,

Lakshmi Mittal – Indian steel magnate, CEO of ArcelorMittal – – world’s largest steel company, connected to Goldman Sachs,

Glen Moreno – acting chairman of UK Financial Investments Limited which manages the UK government bank shareholdings, ex-Citigroup, director of Fidelity International, chairman of Pearson, connected to Lloyds Banking,

Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel – Prince of Hesse-Kassel,,_Landgrave_of_Hesse

Rupert Murdoch – Australian-American media mogul, owner of NewsCorp and Fox, accused by courts of bribery, wiretapping , libel, lying, insider trading, Freemason, connected to Norway mass shooting, connected to 911, connected to illegal Iraq War,

Charles Napoleon – head of Imperial House of France,

Jacques Nasser – Lebanese Chairman of BHP Billiton, connected to JP Morgan Chase, Sky Corp and Ford Motors,

Robin Niblett – Director of Chatham House (RIIA) – connected to every war, mass theft and atrocity since 1920,

Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster, head of Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, connected to abuse of boys,

Adolfo Nicolas – 30th Black Pope, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), head of largest male order of Vatican,

Christian Noyer – Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, governor of Bank of France, ex-VP Executive Board of the European Central Bank,

Sammy Ofer – Israeli shipping tycoon, net worth $10.3B with brother Yuli, DECEASED,

Alexandra Ogilvy Lady Ogilvy – Princess of UK, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_The_Honourable_Lady_Ogilvy

David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie – married to Princess Alexandra, Lord Chamberlain, educated at Eton, Knight of the Thistle, ex-Director of Schroders,,_13th_Earl_of_Airlie

Jorma Ollila – Chairman of Nokia, board of directors of Ford Motor Company, non-executive chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, ex-Citibank, Bilderberg,
Nicky Oppenheimer – South African chairman of De Beers diamond mining, shareholder in Anglo American mining, net worth $6B,
George Osborne – British Bureaucrat, Chancellor of the Exchequer of UK, ex-MP, Bullingdon Club at Oxford, connected to Rotshchilds,

Frederic Oudea – CEO Societe Generale,

Sir John Parker – ex-Chairman of National Grid and Anglo American mining, ex-Bank of England, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Chris Patten – chairman of BBC Trust, last Governor of British-held Hong Kong, ex-MP, connected to Pope Benedict,

Michel Pebereau – Chairman of National Bank of Paris,

Gareth Penny – CEO of AMG Mining the #1 mining company in world, ex-De Beers and Anglo American mining, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Eton
Shimon Peres – President of Israel, ex-PM of Israel, connected to assassination of Y. Rabin, false peacemaker, connected to 911,

Philip Duke of Edinburgh – husband of Elizabeth II, a German-Danish royal, patron of over 800 organizations, globalist, racist, has spoken publicly in favor of mass genocide and depopulation, Freemason, alleged to have given order to murder his grandson’s mother Princess Diana

Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza – Duke of Braganza,,_Duke_of_Braganza

Karl Otto Pohl – German economist, President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-Chairman of Central Bank Council,

Colin Powell – ex-US Secretary of State, retired general, ex-Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, ex-National Security Adviser to Reagan, connected to both Iraq wars,

Mikhail Prokhorov – Russian Oligarch, ex-owner of Norilsk Nickel, ex-chairman of Polyus Gold, ex-President of ONEXIM GROUP $17B investment fund, net worth $13.2B,

Guy Quaden – Governor of National Bank of Belgium, member of governing board of European Central Bank,

Anders Fogh Rasmussen – Secretary-General of NATO, ex-PM of Denmark, ex-President of European Union, connected to Iraq war,

Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – 265th Pope, ex-Hitler Youth, participated in Vatican II, head of Inquisition at Vatican, covered up untold number of abuse cases allowing them to continue and the perpetrators to remain unpunished, covered up Native Canadian Holocaust (by UK and Vatican) discoveries

David Reuben – British Jewish Oligarch, net worth with brother of $9B, CEO of Reuben Brothers, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests

Simon Reuben – British Jewish Oligarch, net worth with brother of $9B, CEO of Reuben Brothers, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests

William R. Rhodes – CEO William R. Rhodes Global Advisers, ex-Citigroup and Citibank, involved in international banking schemes in South America, Director of Private Export Funding Corporation, CFR, globalist, and much much more

Susan Rice – US Ambassador to United Nations, ex-National Security Council, Rhodes Scholar, connected to Clinton,

Richard Duke of Gloucester – Duke of Gloucester, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_Duke_of_Gloucester

Sir Malcolm Rifkind – British Bureaucrat, ex-Secretary of State for Scotland, Defence Secretary, Foreign Secretary, ex-MP,

Sir John Ritblat – ex-CEO of British Land Company, head of several British royal organizations,

Stephen S. Roach – A senior executive at Morgan Stanley, professor at Yale and Jackson Institute for Global Affairs,

Mary Robinson – ex-President of Ireland, ex-United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, received Presidential medal for Freedom for knowing when to talk and when not to as it refers to human rights

David Rockefeller Jr. – eldest son of David Rockefeller, 4th generation member of Rockefeller dynasty, Rockefeller foundations used to sew evil worldwide and particularly in USA, in the guise of good,,_Jr.

David Rockefeller Sr. – patriarch of Rockefeller family, net worth $2.9B, owner Chase Manhattan Bank, owner of Exxon Mobil, connected to CIA, connected to Kissinger, admitted head of a globalist cabal, strict control of much of US media, Trilateral Commission,
Nicholas Rockefeller – Rockefeller dynasty, warned Aaron Russo of 911, no link
Javier Echevarria Rodriguez – Spanish Roman Catholic Bishop, Head of Opus Dei,

Kenneth Rogoff – Professor of Economics at Harvard, ex-IMF, Board of Governors Federal Reserve,

Jean-Pierre Roth – Chairman of Board of Bank for International Settlements, governor of IMF for Switzerland, ex-Chairman Swiss National Bank, director of Nestle and Swatch,

Jacob Rothschild – 4th Baron Rothschild, Chairman of RIT Capital investments, Eton education, ex-chairman N M Rothschild & Sons, Council for the Duchy of Cornwall of Prince of Wales, Advisory Board of Blackstone Group, ex-Chairman of BSkyB Television, Director of RHJ International,
David Rubenstein – co-founder Carlyle Group, net worth $2.6B, CFR, presidential advisor To Carter,

Robert Rubin – ex-US Treasury Secretary, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Citigroup, Co-chair of CFR, executive board at Harvard, ex-board of directors of NYSE, board of trustees Carnegie Corp. and U.s Securities and Exchange Commission, connected to Enron,

Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri – Italian royalty,,_10th_Prince_of_Cerveteri

Joseph Safra – Syrian-Brazilian Jewish banker, Owner of Safra Group, net worth $11.4B,

Moises Safra – Syrian-Brazilian Jewish banker, co-founder Banco Safra,

Peter Sands – British banker, CEO of Standard Chartered, Oxford and Harvard-educated, Board of Directors – Institute of International Finance

Nicolas Sarkozy – ex-President of France (5/15/12), bureaucrat,

Isaac Sassoon – born into Sassoon dynasty of London, Sephardic Rabbi, author,

James Sassoon – Commercial Secretary to the Treasury in UK Treasury, House of Lords, adviser to UK PM David Cameron,

Sir Robert John Sawers – Chief of Secret Intelligence Service of UK (MI6), ex-British Permanent Representative to UN, ex-Foreign Affairs Advisor to Tony Blair,

Marjorie Scardino – CEO Pearson PLC, non-executive director of Nokia, ex-CEO of Economist Group,

Klaus Schwab – founder of World Economic Forum, ex-Professor at Geneva University,

Karel Schwarzenberg – Prince of Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg,

Stephen A. Schwarzman – co-founder Blackstone Group, net worth $4.7B, Yale Skull and Bones, also educated at Harvard, ex-Lehman Brothers,

Sidney Shapiro – Jewish-American, naturalized Chinese, member of China’s People’s Political Consultative Council,

Nigel Sheinwald – British bureaucrat, ex-British Ambassador to US, adviser to Tony Blair, Knight Grand Cross,

Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria – Grand Duke of Tuscany and Archduke of Austria, Grand Master of the Order of Saint Joseph,,_Grand_Duke_of_Tuscany

Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – Prime Minister of Bulgaria, ex-Tsar of Bulgaria, cousin of Elizabeth II (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty),
Olympia Snowe – US Senator, worked for William Cohen, connected to Rockefeller, helped acquit Bill Clinton during impeachment, supported Kosovo war, Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-abortion,

Sofia Queen of Spain – Wife of King Juan Carlos of Spain, Princess of Greece and Denmark, cousin of Elizabeth II,

George Soros – Jewish Hungarian-American Oligarch, chairman of Soros Fund Management hedge fund, net worth $20B, chairman of Open Society Institute, described Nazi occupation of Hungary and his accompanying an official seizing Jewish property as “the best time of my life”, attended London School of Economics, globalist and vulture tied to numerous economic upheavals and contrived revolutions especially in Eastern Europe,

Arlen Specter – US Senator, Jewish, educated at Yale, ex-Federal Judge, devised “single bullet theory” in Warren Commission JFK assassination cover-up, professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, helped push Iraq war and Patriot Act,

Ernest Stern – ex-Managing Director of World Bank, ex-Director JP Morgan, member of Group of 30, Director of Center for Global Development, on Board of Overseers International Center for Economic Growth,,

Dennis Stevenson – British Baron, House of Lords, Commander of the Order of the British Empire award, knighted by Elizabeth II, Director of British Technology Group, Tyne Tees Television, Manpower Inc., Thames Television, J. Rothschild Assurance, English partnerships, BSkyB, Lazard Bros, St. James Place Capital, Chairman of Maocap and Aldeburgh Music, director of Western Union, Loudwater Partners and the Economist, Chair of HBOS formerly Halifax plc and Bank of Scotland, Chancellor of University of Arts London,,_Baron_Stevenson_of_Coddenham

Tom Steyer – founder of Farallon Capital Management hedge fund, Board of Trustees Stanford University, connected to Warren Buffett, educated at Yale, ex-Goldman Sachs, connected to Robert Rubin, ex-Morgan Stanley, connected to Hillary Clinton,

Joseph Stiglitz – Jewish-American economist author and professor, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of World Bank, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for a technique called screening used to extract private information from another economic agent, founder of globalist think tank Initiative for Policy Dialogue, professor at Columbia University, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, ex-professor MIT, Yale, Stanford, Duke, Oxford and Princeton, chair of President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Clinton,

Dominique Strauss-Kahn – French politician, ex-Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF), ex-Minister of Economy and Finance, ex-Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, Communist, accused by a court of sexual assault,

Jack Straw – British politician, MP, ex-Home Secretary, ex-Foreign Secretary, ex-Leader of the House of Commons, ex-Lord High Chancellor, ex-Secretary of State for Justice, ex-Shadow Lord High Chancellor, allegations of rendition and torture,

Peter Sutherland – chairman of Goldman Sachs International, EU Commissioner, ex-Attorney General of Ireland, ex-Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), ex-director of Royal Bank of Scotland, formerly on board of ABB, steering committee of Bilderberg, Honorary Chairman of Trilateral Commission, ex-vice chairman of European Round Table of Industrialists, connected to getting Ireland into the EU, President of globalist British think tank Federal Trust for Education and Research, member of British pro-European and globalist think tank Businesses for New Europe, Goodwill Ambassador to the UNIDO (UN), Chair of London School of Economics council, financial adviser to the Vatican, co-Chairman of High Level Group, connected to Rockefeller, honorary knighthood by Elizabeth II,

Mary Tanner – British Anglican, President of the World Council of Churches, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire,

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi – Italian Banker, President of the Vatican Bank,

Mark Thompson – Director-General of the BBC, Jesuit-educated, also Oxford-educated, general public accusations of bias,

Dr. James Thomson – ex-President and CEO of RAND Corporation, ex-National Security Council, CFR, member of globalist think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies, director of AK steel Corporation, Encysive Pharmaceuticals, and Object Reservoir,

Hans Tietmeyer – Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-President of London Business School, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Professor at Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt,

Jean-Claude Trichet – French ex-President of European Central Bank, member of Group of 30, ex-governor of Banque de France, pushes for greater European Integration, chairman of Breugel’s, on board of European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company,

Paul Tucker – executive director Bank of England, Deputy Governor of Bank of England

Herman Van Rompuy – President of the European Council, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, ex-PM of Belgium,

Alvaro Uribe Velez – President of Colombia, educated at Harvard, awarded Simon Bolivar Scholarship of the British Chevenin Scholarships, Senior Associate member at St. Antony’s College at Oxford, alleged connections to Medellin Drug Cartel, major proponent of Communitarianism, connected to IMF and World Bank, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bush 43,

Alfons Verplaetse – ex-Governor National Bank of Belgium, board of governors of the European Monetary Institute, Governing Council of European Central Bank,

Kaspar Villiger – ex-Chairman of the Board of Swiss bank UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), ex-member of Swiss federal Council, board of directors of Nestle and Swiss Re, member of globalist Global Leadership Foundation,

Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia – Grand Duchess of Russia, Oxford-educated, disputed heiress to Empress of Russia and to head of Romanov dynasty, Dame Grand Cross Sovereign Military
Order of Malta,,_Grand_Duchess_of_Russia

Paul Volcker – ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve, ex-Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Obama, educated at Princeton, Harvard, and London School of Economics, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Fellow, connected to end of the dollar gold standard in US, ex-chairman of Wolfensohn & Co., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission, member of Trust Committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc. ex- Chase Bank,

Otto von Habsburg – Archduke of Austria, ex-Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, ex-Head of Imperial House of Habsburg, Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece, ex-Vice President of International Paneuropean Union, ex-European Parliament, played a role in Eastern European revolutions against Communist rule, DECEASED

Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei – LISTED TWICE
Sir David Walker – ex-chairman Morgan Stanley International, ex-Assistant Secretary of UK Treasury, ex-chairman of Securities and Investments Board, Executive Director for finance and industry at Bank of England, ex-Deputy Chairman of Lloyds TSB, member of Group of 30, ex-Reuters Holdings, Chairman of London Investment Bankers’ Association,

Jacob Wallenberg – Swedish banker and industrialist, ex-President and CEO of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, board of directors of Atlas Copco, SAS Group, ABB group, Coca-Cola Company, Investor, Stockholm School of Economics, Knight of the Order of the Seraphim,

John Walsh – ex-US Comptroller of Currency, ex-executive director of Group of 30, ex-staff of US Senate Banking Committee, ex-US Treasury Department, helped implement Basel III in US, DECEASED

Max Warburg – Owner of M.M. Warburg and Co. , scion of Jewish Warburg banking dynasty,

Axel Alfred Weber – German economist and banker, chairman of the Board of UBS, ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-member of European Central Bank Governing Council, professor at University of Chicago, ex-Board of Directors Bank for International Settlements,

Michel David-Weill – French Investment banker, ex-Chairman of Lazard Freres, director of Groupe Danone foods, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Commander of Ordre des Arts et des Lettres

Nout Wellink – Dutch economist and central banker, President of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Director of the Bank for International Settlements, member of Governing Council of European Central Bank, Governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), member of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), ex-Dutch Ministry of Finance, Trilateral Commission, ex-chairman of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion,

Marina von Neumann Whitman – ex-Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at University of Michigan, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, board of directors at Peterson Institute, ex-VP of General Motors Corp., ex-Council of Economic Advisors, ex-board of Trustees Princeton University,

Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange – Prince of Orange, Prince of Netherlands, heir to throne of Kingdom of Netherlands, eldest son of Queen Beatrix, head of House of Amsberg, cousin of Elizabeth II, member of Global Water Partnership established by World Bank, UN and Sweden, member of Raad van State, member of many international orders,,_Prince_of_Orange

William Prince of Wales – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Second in Line to throne of British Commonwealth, educated at Eton College, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, descendant of several powerful royal dynasties,,_Duke_of_Cambridge

Dr Rowan Williams – Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, titular head of Anglican Church, educated at Oxford, Professor at Oxford,

Shirley Williams – President of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), British Baron, House of Lords, ex-MP, Professor at Harvard, educated at Oxford, CFR, Bilderberg, member of many globalist think tanks and organizations,

David Wilson – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn, ex-Governor of Hong Kong, ex-Chairman of Scottish Hydro Electric, member of Board of British Council, Knight of the Thistle, President of Royal Society of Edinburgh,,_Baron_Wilson_of_Tillyorn

James Wolfensohn – ex-President of World Bank Group, educated at Harvard, ex-director J. Henry Schroder & Co investment bank, ex-Salomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Company, chairman of International Advisory Board of Citigroup, member of International Advisory Council for China Investment Corporation, trustee of globalist Brookings Institution, trustee of Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, globalist Aspen Institute, knighthood of the Order of the British Empire, connected to Rothschilds,

Neal S. Wolin – US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, National Security Council under Clinton, educated at Yale, executive assistant to 3 CIA directors, member of Brookings Institution, CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, CFR

Harry Woolf – Baron Woolf, Jewish-British, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, ex-Master of the Rolls, ex-judge in Hong Kong,

James Jr. Woolsey – ex-head of CIA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, also educated at Yale, member of many globalist foundations, think tanks and NGO’s, ex-chairman of Freedom House, Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq war, tied to global warming scam, employee of Lux Capital, co-founder US Energy Security Council, accused of profiting from Iraq War and a crusader-like zealousness for conflict with Islam,,_Jr.

Sir Robert Worcester – founder of Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), International Director of Ipsos Group, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Freeman of the City of London, trustee of Magna Carta Trust, member of many globalist organizations,

Sarah Wu – Director General of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (London),_London

Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of PNAC linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force Genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism,

The ADMITTED “nations” of the British Commonwealth (ALL “former” colonies”):

The Gambia
Sierra Leone


Sri Lanka

Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
St Kitts and Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago


Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Western Samoa


United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales)

How many more?

*The net worths are estimated and are the Wikipedia figures, which are almost certainly smaller in some cases. Conspirator details are not implied to be exhaustive. The list includes several now deceased members, and the Sultan of Brunei is listed twice (so 1 member is missing from the start). The expected changes since 2010 should also be taken into consideration.

Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?

The news is important to all people because it is where we come to know new things about the world, which leads to the development of more life goals that lead to life wisdom. The news also serves as a social connection tool, as we tend to relate to those who know about and believe the things we do. With the power of an open truth-seeking mind in hand, the individual can grow wise and the collective can prosper. 

Committee of 300

The Committee of 300’s main objective is to establish a “One World Government”

Committee of 300 | Steins;Gate Wiki | Fandom
Committee of 300

The Committee of 300’s main objective is to establish a “One World Government”, also referred to as a “New World Order”. Other projects include the “Human Domestication Project”, consisting of reducing the world’s population to one billion and enslaving the remaining humans, with the exception of a few elites. Both the “One World Government” and the “Human Domestication Project” run in parallel. To satisfy this ambitions, the Committee has employed several inhuman experiments and inventions, including Project

The Committee of 300 (300人委員会, 300-nin iinkai), also known as The Illuminati, The Olympians, Hidden Hand, and various other names, is a secret society with 300 members in it worldwide, which for over a century has plotted world domination, with the goal of a one-world government, also known as the Human Cultivation Project or the New World Order, and is the central antagonist of the Science Adventure Series.

It is partly based on the real life conspiracy theory by John Coleman about a group called the Committee of 300, which he also calls The Olympians, as well as Hidden Hand, a term that acts as a key password in Robotics;Notes. It is also partly based on the real life conspiracy theory about The Illuminati and the New World Order.

According to John Coleman’s 1991 book Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300available as a free PDF eBook on the CIA website as part of a collection of books found at Osama bin Laden’s hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the committee seeks to cull the global human population into a smaller world united under one government. In Robotics;Notes the Committee of 300 is purported to have a similar plan, called the “Human Cultivation Project”, in which the Committee would cull the worldwide human population down to 1 billion people and rule over them in what is popularly called the New World Order.

This is also the Committee’s goal in Steins;Gate, in which they make use of the organization SERN to monopolize time travel, cull the worldwide population down to 1 billion people, and achieve complete domination by the year 2036, turning the world into what John Titor, a time traveler from the year 2036 who managed to escape back in time to try to change things, calls “a dystopia”.

The Committee has countless front organizations all over the world, and is said to secretly control the world from the shadows. Their power spreads not only to the politics of all major world powers, but also religion, the economy, science, and military and intelligence agencies, among other things.


The Committee in Steins;Gate

In Steins;Gate, the Committee of 300 acts as the master puppeteers behind SERN’s Z-Program, aspiring to obtain the power of time travel in order to create a dystopia, which they achieve in the Alpha Attractor Field.

The Future Gadget Lab learns of the Committee’s existence while hacking SERN’s servers. By undoing all the D-Mails to reach the Beta Attractor Field, Rintaro Okabe successfully manages to avoid a future ruled by the Committee’s dystopia.

Known projects of the Committee of 300

As mentioned above, the “Human Cultivation Project”, also known as the “New World Order”, is the main goal of the Committee of 300, by which it plans to reduce the world’s population to one billion and unite it under a totalitarian one world government. To this end, the Committee has to this end invested heavily in propaganda and a number of other projects.

Major projects named so far in the Science Adventure Series are Project Noah (ChäoS;HEAd), SERN’s Z-Program (Steins;Gate), Project Mars (Robotics;Notes), and Project Atom (Robotics;Notes).

Known methods employed by the Committee of 300edit | edit source

This is a list of the known methods, means, and manner of activity by the Committee of 300 in the Science Adventure Series. See the Activity Timeline for an actual record of their deeds.

  • Mass murder
  • Torture
  • Theft
  • Kidnapping and hostage-taking
  • Other forms of coercion
  • Human experimentation
  • Cryonics
  • Branding
  • Chip implantation
  • Brainwashing and mind control via Visual Rebuilding (ChäoS;HEAd), microchip implants (Steins;Gate), hypnosis (Steins;Gate 0) and other means (Robotics;Notes)
  • Personality remodeling
  • Subliminal messaging
  • Propaganda and information control
  • Popular consumer goods and media
  • Tapping private communication
  • Religion
  • Politics
  • Terrorist threats
  • Bombing
  • Robots
  • Rockets
  • Real-booting
  • Advanced AIs, including ones based on human memories and consciousness
  • Augmented reality and information gathering systems
  • Computer viruses
  • Audio frequency signals
  • Environmental and gravitational manipulation
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Defense contractors, paramilitary groups, and military research agencies
  • Starting wars
  • Assassinations
  • Hacking
  • Altering history through time travel
  • Mass surveillance
  • Developing the Internet (DURPA) and World Wide Web (SERN)
  • Causing “natural disasters” such as earthquakes and solar flares
  • Controlling organizations that do scientific research in a wide variety of fields such as medicine, physics, neuroscience, AI development, astronomy, computers, and military weaponry, in order to develop technology they can use to try to achieve world domination
  • Treating their own members and followers as disposable pawns to be killed when they are no longer useful

Known activity by the Committee of 300edit | edit source

This is an in-progress list of crimes and other activity committed or instigated by the Committee of 300 in the Science Adventure Series world. Feel free to correct errors and contribute. If adding a crime portrayed in the visual novels that was negated by the main route and therefore not canon to the overall storyline, please, include a note stating it as such.


Page Contents: Top – Steins;GateProjectsMethodsActivityAccomplicesTrivia

This Section: 1959 – 19751990sEarly 2000s200820092009 – 201920102011201520172019202020252033 – 20362036

1959 – 1975edit | edit source

  • (1959) SERN’s Proton Synchrotron is completed, their first particle accelerator and a predecessor to their Large Hadron Collider that it would later be incorporated into.
  • (1973/02/02) SERN’s Z-Program is drafted. Electromagnetic research (explored in ChäoS;HEAd and Robotics;Notes) is also already singled out as a primary field of research for the Committee of 300.
  • SERN’s Z-Program database is built using the special, hidden proprietary code of the IBN 5100, used to store data gathered from ECHELON.
  • Alpha Attractor Field
    • 0.337187% World Line Divergence
    • 0.409431% World Line Divergence
      • (1975) Kayano arrives on the top of the Radio Kaikan building in SERN’s Chevrolet Camaro time machine to attack Suzuha Amane shortly after her own arrival.

1990sedit | edit source

Early 2000sedit | edit source

2008edit | edit source

2009edit | edit source

2009 – 2019edit | edit source

  • Multiple Attractor Fields
  • Steins Gate
    • World Line Divergence 1.048596% (a.k.a. the Steins Gate)
      • N.O.Z.O.M.I. continues its research and develops Noah IV, Noah’s Ark, an inferior copy of Noah II that was the best they could do, because the Ir2 equation, which Noah II relied on for real-booting delusions into reality, was lost after the Third Melt.
      • SERN succeeds in constructing a small-scale Large Hadron Collider and develops a black hole bomb.
      • (Starting in 2012) Strange environmental occurrences happen with the worst being the “2015 Crash”, in which a large solar storm reportedly fried computers and machines around the world. It is unclear if any or all of these occurrences are natural, induced, or exacerbated by the Committee of 300.
      • (Up til 2015/09) Under brainwashing, the Mobile Battler Gunvarrel Anime Production Team begins producing the Mobile Battler Gunvarrel anime with subliminal propaganda embedded.
      • An anonymous mass email is sent to millions of PhoneDroids containing the “Kagome, Kagome” lyrics.

2010edit | edit source

2011edit | edit source

2015edit | edit source

  • Steins Gate
    • World Line Divergence 1.048596% (a.k.a. the Steins Gate)

2017edit | edit source

  • Steins Gate
    • World Line Divergence 1.048596% (a.k.a. the Steins Gate)
      • Exoskeleton’s Power Suits begin to malfunction causing severe injuries.

2019edit | edit source

  • Steins Gate
    • World Line Divergence 1.048596% (a.k.a. the Steins Gate)
      • (2019/Spring) Maguyan is brainwashed.
      • (2019/05) The top three players of Kill-Ballad are found dead in their homes of “accidental” deaths. Their user accounts continue to be active, however, without any signs of being hacked.
      • (2019/07/09) The dual program Geji-nee and Airi makes its first successful contact with Kaito Yashio on the 29th attempt.
      • (2019/07/16)
        • Exoskeleton holds a press conference about a recent rash of malfunctioning Power Suits.
        • FRAUKOUJIRO’s cheat analyzer is infected with a virus while trying to expose the top three players of Kill-Ballad as cheaters.
      • (2019/07/22) On the same day a large solar storm purportedly knocks out machines along the west coast of North America, Ko Kimijima sends an anonymous call throughout Japan with the “Kagome, Kagome” ringtone and the frequency signal of the Verificatory Experiments.
      • (2019/08/11) Geji-nee records the first falling monopole during Verificatory Experiment No. 2946.
      • (2019/08/20) Rumors of the “final episode” of the Mobile Battler Gunvarrel anime being leaked circulate @channel and Twipo, though it is unclear if this leaking was by Minami Furugoori or a further ploy by Ko Kimijima.
      • (2019/08/21) Exoskeleton holds an emergency press conference due to malfunctioning Power Suits resulting in deaths.
      • (2019/08/23)
        • After Kona Furugoori learns of the death of the top three players of Kill-Ballad, their names immediately vanish from the game’s leaderboard.
        • A solar storm is predicted to occur in 75 days on December 6th.
        • The Mobile Battler Gunvarrel anime’s final episode, which bears an uncanny resemblance to Project Atom and contains the password to Minami Furugoori’s message via subliminal messaging, hits the news.
      • (2019/11/20)
        • The Great Tokyo Blackout occurs reportedly due to a major “solar storm” hitting the Kanto region.
        • Maguyan causes Tokyo’s RI robots to go berserk as part of Project Mars.
        • FRAUKOUJIRO’s account is hijacked by Maguyan and posts that she is responsible for the robots and was the one who previously leaked the Mobile Battler Gunvarrel anime’s final episode.
        • Geji-nee continues to monitor the Verificatory Experiments.
        • Misaki Senomiya reports her analysis of the final Mobile Battler Gunvarrel episode to Toshiyuki Sawada. According to her, it contains propaganda images and the “Kagome, Kagome” melody.
      • (2019/11/27) Maguyan’s body is found in the outskirts of Manila, the Philippines.
      • (2019/12/24) IRUO. carries out its planned server maintenance, deleting the Airi communication interface A.I., leaving only the Geji-nee fully-automated data collection engine in place.

2020edit | edit source

  • Steins Gate
    • World Line Divergence 1.048596% (a.k.a. the Steins Gate)
      • (2020/01/25) Ko Kimijima kills Mizuka Irei by making her Power Suit go berserk.
      • (2020/01/30) Kaito Yashio is successfully tricked into disseminating the “Kimijima Reports” worldwide through the IRUO. network.
      • (2020/02/23) Project Atom goes into effect.
        • Exoskeleton Co.’s SUMERAGI is introduced at the Robot Expo.
        • A mixture of the “Kagome, Kagome” signal and a high-frequency is used to disable all robots in the exhibition hall.
        • A delusion of Misaki Senomiya rushes through the exhibition hall and uses the SUMERAGI to destroy the other exhibitions as a ploy to distract Sawada’s group.
        • Disinformation is spread through the media to cause panic and freeze the government and military’s reactions, allowing the Committteee of 300 to commandeer the rocket in Tanegashima.
        • Noah IV(Visual rebuilding) is used to create a delusion of the Grand Obelisk is near the expo arena.
        • Misaki Senomiya and crew take over the Tanegashima Space Center and Rocket Launch Site. They hold Kenichiro Senomiya hostage.
        • Henchmen under Misaki Senomiya’s command attempt to capture Kona Furugoori, but are foiled by Nae Tennouji. They also fail to take over the Tanegashima Airport.
        • Ko Kimijima uses a mind-controlled Airi Yukifune to attempt to stop Kaito YashioAkiho SenomiyaSumio Nagafukada, and Mitsuhiko Nagafukada from flying to Tanegashima. Due to Mitsuhiko Nagafukada livestreaming the conversation, Ko Kimijima’s cybernetic existence is revealed to the world.
      • (2020/02/24)
        • As the disinformation in the news begins to clear up, Ko KimijimaMisaki Senomiya, and their henchmen abandon the space center for the launch site.
        • Geji-nee, accompanied by Ko Kimijima, attacks Kaito YashioNae Tennouji, and Airi Yukifune with floating robots. Ko Kimijima deletes Geji-nee when the attack fails due to a rare display of personality from Geji-nee causing the robots to attack each other.
      • (2020/02/25)

2025edit | edit source

  • Alpha Attractor Field
  • Beta Attractor Field
    • Multiple World Line Divergences
    • 1.097302% and 1.055821% World Line Divergences
      • Rintaro Okabe is kidnapped by Stratfor. His mind is completely erased in attempts by Stratfor to gain any information about Valkyrie.

2033 – 2036edit | edit source

  • Alpha Attractor Field
    • Multiple World Line Divergences
      • (2033) Itaru Hashida is killed by Rounders.
      • (2034) Valkyrie’s assassination attempt on Kurisu Makise, a.k.a. “Operation Gjallarhorn”, fails. The Committee of 300 kills a large number of the Valkyrie resistance. Three weeks later Kurisu Makise’s “accidental” death is announced.
      • (2034) SERN succeeds in developing a fully working time machine.
      • (2034-36) The Committee of 300 succeeds in taking over the world, turning it into a dystopia. Personality remodeling and brainwashing become regular occurrences.
      • (By 2036) A method of brainwashing involving the implantation of a chip in the under-eyelid has been developed. It is unclear if this method was developed by N.O.Z.O.M.I. or another group.
    • 0.000000% World Line Divergence
      • Kayano joins the Rounders and undergoes human experimentation in order to fortify her body.
  • Beta Attractor Field
    • Multiple World Line Divergences
      • Alexis Leskinen brainwashes Kagari Shiina, turning her into his puppet, and arranges for her to accompany Suzuha Amane when Suzuha goes back in time in 2036, so that Kagari can assist Leskinen in the past.
  • Gamma Attractor Field
    • World Line Divergence 2.615074%
      • (By 2036) Rintaro Okabe has joined the leading ranks of the Illuminati of the Committee of 300. He rules as the dictator of Japan.

2036edit | edit source

  • Alpha Attractor Field
    • 0.000000% World Line Divergence
      • SERN researchers develop a theory on the means to transfer information to oneself across world lines similar to Rintaro Okabe’s “Reading Steiner”.
      • (2036/09/27) The Committee of 300, using SERN’s time machine to travel back in time, practically annihilates the Valkyrie resistance group during their assassination attempt upon the Rounder commander Libron. Kayano kills Kiyotaka.
      • (2036/09/10) Kayano kills Yuki Amane.
      • (2036/09/10) Rounders attack the Valkyrie remnant during “Operation Brynhildr”. Kayano attacks Suzuha Amane, injures Rei Mikoshiba and Shinjirou Katsuragi, and damages the FG204.
      • (2036/10/11) Kayano and Rounders attack and completely wipe out remaining members of the Valkyrie resistance group. Kayano uses SERN’s time machine to pursue Suzuha Amane to 2010.
  • Beta Attractor Field
    • 1.097302% and 1.055821% World Line Divergences
    • Multiple World Line Divergences
      • Suzuha Amane and Kagari Shiina travel to 1975, then to 1998 and then to 2010 in order to complete their mission to achieve the Steins Gate world line. Unfortunately, Kagari attacks Suzuha and runs away in 1998 due to Alexis Leskinen’s brainwashing.

The Committee and its known accomplicesedit | edit source

It is not always clear whether certain groups and characters are true members of the Committee of 300, are simply hired help, or are coerced or otherwise forced to do the Committee’s bidding. Therefore, this is a list of any and all characters that have ever had a helping hand in the evil deeds of the Committee regardless of the character’s own circumstances. See the image map for further elucidation as to the relationships between the groups.


Groupsedit | edit source

A map of the relationships of the Committee of 300 and its accomplices

Individualsedit | edit source

Triviaedit | edit source

Page Contents: Top – Steins;GateProjectsMethodsActivityAccomplicesTrivia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a conspiracy theory[1] that claims a powerful group was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 and rules the world.[2] Proponents of the theory alleging the Committee’s existence believe it to be an international council that organizes politicscommercebankingmedia, and the military for centralized global efforts.


The theory dates to a statement made by German politician Walther Rathenau in a 1909 article “Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs” in Neue Freie Presse:[3][4]

Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, guide the economic destinies of the Continent and seek their successors from their own milieu.

In context, Rathenau was actually deploring the oligarchic implications of this statement, and did not suggest that the “Three hundred” were Jewish. However, by 1912 Theodor Fritsch had seized upon the sentence as an “open confession of indubitable Jewish hegemony” and as proof that Rathenau was the “secret Kaiser of Germany.” The idea became more popular after the World War I, and the spread of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Rathenau addressed the issue in a 1921 letter, stating that the three hundred referred to were leaders in the business world, rather than Jews.[5]

After Rathenau’s assassination in June 1922, one of his assassins explicitly cited Rathenau’s membership in the “Three hundred Elders of Zion” as justification for the killing. This prompted the Reichstag to pass a Law for the Protection of the Republic making propagation of the myth a prosecutable offense. Nevertheless, it was still used by the Nazis before and after they took power.[6]

Later theory

Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich wrote that the group may also be known as the “Hidden Hand”, which is headed by the Rothschild family of international financiers and based loosely around many of the top national banking institutions and royal families of the world.[7] This version of the conspiracy theory claims that the Rothschild family are merely a part of the club and not the leaders.[8]


  1. ^ Robin Ramsay (3 February 2012). Conspiracy Theories. Oldcastle Books. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-84243-819-0.
  2. ^ Bennett, Richard M. (2003). Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups. Virgin. pp. 27–28. ISBN 978-1-85227-093-3. Retrieved 3 May 2013.
  3. ^ Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922 Zur Kritik der Zeit Berlin, S. Fischer 1922 p.207
  4. ^ Mark Swartzburg The “Three hundred” in Richard S. Levy, ed. Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution Santa Babara, California; ABC-CLIO 2005 p.705
  5. ^ Swartzburg pp.705-6
  6. ^ Swartzburg p.706
  7. ^ Cherep-Spiridovich (1926). The Secret Government or Secret Hand. The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association. p. 38. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  8. ^


The ‘Committee Of 300’: Complete List Of Members

HAFHAFSeptember 30, 2020

The members of the “Committee of 300” are basically the people who run the world today. Above them, there is another group, called The Council of 33, and above that there is yet another group, The Council of 13 (a.k.a. Crown Council of 13), which is made of just 13 of the most powerful families on Earth.

The important thing about these families is not just their incredible wealth, but also their very long ancestry – these families can allegedly trace their lineages all the way back to the ancient “gods,” who gave Earth’s leadership to their “demigod” offsprings (i.e the children that the “gods” had with human women) before leaving Earth with the promise to return in the future.

These 13 families are considered top of the hierarchy of the global elite and all have ties to each other through marriage as well as blood so that the fortunes of each family are linked both to each other and to the success of the plan to create a New World Order.

he members of the “Committee of 300” are basically the people who run the world today. Above them, there is another group, called The Council of 33, and above that there is yet another group, The Council of 13 (a.k.a. Crown Council of 13), which is made of just 13 of the most powerful families on Earth.

The important thing about these families is not just their incredible wealth, but also their very long ancestry – these families can allegedly trace their lineages all the way back to the ancient “gods,” who gave Earth’s leadership to their “demigod” offsprings (i.e the children that the “gods” had with human women) before leaving Earth with the promise to return in the future.

These 13 families are considered top of the hierarchy of the global elite and all have ties to each other through marriage as well as blood so that the fortunes of each family are linked both to each other and to the success of the plan to create a New World Order.

The Committee Of 300

You can read more about the Council of 13 at THIS LINK.

It is also important to note that the ruler of the Council of 13, and consequently the most powerful man on Earth, is the head of the Rothschild family (which is the most powerful of the “elite” families). He is called The Pindar, and you can read more on the subject HERE (before proceeding with this link, be warned that the rabbit hole is very deep and it is directly connected to otherworldly beings, hence why some of the top researchers have always maintained that the New World Order agenda is, in fact, the Alien Agenda).

Now back to the Committee of 300.

The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300.

The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time.

Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.

There is no need to use “they” or “the enemy” except as shorthand. We know who “they”, the enemy, is.

The Committee of 300 with its “aristocracy”, its ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators – this is the enemy.

Secret societies exist by deception.

Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity.

The members of the Council of 300 are royals, top bankers, “elite” billionaires, top religious figures, media moguls, top military figures and some of the top politicians (personally, I suspect that the generals and the politicians are not permanent members of the Committee, and their seats can be vacated and filled by others, if necessary).

Some reports mention a Committee of 500, which means that it is possible that the Committee of 300 has been expanded to include 500 members (and, consequently, had to change its name), or maybe that is another Committee entirely, which is placed below the Committee of the 500.

Elite Network 2

Queen Signature On Committee Of 300 Document

Queen’s Signature on the Committee of 300 Document

Below, You Will Find The Complete List Of The Committee Of 300 As Of 2010*:

Abdullah II King of Jordan – Important imperial puppet in Middle East, British-educated, American wife

Roman Abramovich – Russian Oligarch, $12B net worth, major British ties

Josef Ackermann – Swiss Banker and CEO Deutsche Bank

Edward Adeane – British trustee, Eton graduate, private secretary of Prince of Wales

Marcus Agius – British-Maltese financier, Group Chairman Barclay’s Bank, sits on board of BBC, married to daughter of Edmund de Rothschild

Martti Ahtisaari – ex-president of Finland, 2008 Nobel peace prize, involved in UN action in Kosovo,

Daniel Akerson – CEO General Motors, formerly CEO of MCI, General Instrument, Nextel, joined Carlyle group in 2003,

Albert II King of Belgium – King of Belgium, same dynasty as Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)

Alexander Crown Prince of Yugoslavia – heir to King of Yugoslavia,_Crown_Prince_of_Yugoslavia

Giuliano Amato – ex-PM of Italy, V.P of convention which drafted EU Constitution

Carl A. Anderson – 13th “Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus”, sits on council at Vatican Bank

Giulio Andreotti – ex-PM of Italy, accused in court of mob ties and murder

Andrew Duke of York – 2nd son of Elizabeth II, 4th in line to throne of 16 countries, connected to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein,,_Duke_of_York

Anne Princess Royal – daughter of Elizabeth II,,_Princess_Royal

Nick Anstee – 682nd “Lord Mayor of the City of London” connected to Arthur Andersen accounting scandal, director of int’l law firm SJ Berwin

Timothy Garton Ash – British historian, Professor at Oxford, European CFR, winner of “George Orwell Prize”

William Waldorf Astor – 4th Viscount Astor, heir to Astor dynasty, Eton graduate, sits on House of Lords,,_4th_Viscount_Astor

Pyotr Aven – Russian Oligarch with close British ties

Jan Peter Balkenende – ex-PM of Netherlands, puppet of Queen Beatrix head of the Bilderbergs and cousin of Elizabeth II

Steve Ballmer – CEO of Microsoft, Net worth $15.7B, #5 on Jerusalem Post’s “World’s Richest Jews”

Ed Balls – British politician, Fabian society,
Jose Manuel Barroso – President of the European Commission, ex-PM of Portugal, former Maoist,

Beatrix Queen of the Netherlands – Queen of Netherlands, head of Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome

Marek Belka – ex-PM of Poland, former IMF, former head of National Bank of Poland,

Fred Bergsten – US economist, author, and political adviser, and member of globalist think tanks, ex-US Treasury Department

Silvio Berlusconi – ex-PM of Italy, $5.9B net worth, accused by courts of mafia collusion, false accounting, fraud, corruption and bribery

Ben Bernanke – Chairman of US Federal Reserve,

Nils Bernstein – Danish National Bank

Donald Berwick – head of US Medicare, medicaid, connected to Obamacare, Professor at Harvard Medical School, several British Titles

Carl Bildt – ex-PM of Sweden, involved in Balkans, globalist instigator, Club of Madrid

Sir Winfried Bischoff – chairman of Lloyds Banking Group, ex-CEO of Citigroup,

Tony Blair – ex British PM, connected to illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, accused of war crimes,

Lloyd Blankfein – CEO Goldman-Sachs, connected to Rockefeller,

Leonard Blavatnik – Russian Oligarch living in London, net worth $10.1B, owner of Access Industries, connected to Harvard and Tel Aviv University,

Michael Bloomberg – Mayor of New York City, net worth $22B, owner of Bloomberg Media,

Frits Bolkestein – Dutch politician involved in EU directives and globalism initiatives

Hassanal Bolkiah – Sultan of Brunei, net worth $20B, British Higher education, connected to Royal Dutch Shell, honorary Admiral of the Royal Navy of UK

Michael C Bonello – Governor of the Central Bank of Malta

Emma Bonino – EU minister, ex-EU Parliament,

David L. Boren – US Presidential Advisor, ex-Governor of Oklahoma, ex-US Senate, ex-chairman of Intelligence Committee in Senate,

Borwin Duke of Mecklenburg – Duke of Mecklenburg,_Duke_of_Mecklenburg

Charles Bronfman – Owner of Seagram liquor, net worth $2B, Canadian Jew, founder of a Zionist charity,

Edgar Bronfman Jr. – ex-CEO of Warner Music Group, member of Bronfman dynasty

John Bruton –  ex-PM of Ireland,

Zbigniew Brzezinski – head of Trilateral Commission, former US presidential adviser, involved in globalist think tanks and propaganda, connected to 911, connected to bin Laden, connected to illegal war in Afghanistan, ex-Harvard, member of CFR, former head of Amnesty International,

Robin Budenberg – head of UK governmental body that oversaw the bailouts

Warren Buffett – Owner of Berkshire Hathaway,  Net Worth $44B, profits off of American impoverishment, connect to Gulf of Mexico disaster as owner of Nalco which manufactured Corexit, a toxin still dumped in the Gulf, connected to 911,

George HW Bush – ex-US President, ex-US Vice President, father connected to Nazis, international banking, big oil and drug trafficking, ex-CIA, connected to JFK and RFK assassinations, connected to 911 and both Iraq wars, head of an international terrorist crime family, known skull and bones and 33rd degree Freemason

David Cameron – PM of UK, Eton and Oxford graduate, puppet of Elizabeth II, connected to Rothschilds,

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall – 2nd wife of Prince of Wales,,_Duchess_of_Cornwall

Fernando Henrique Cardoso – ex-President of Brazil
Peter Carington – British Politician and Baron, House of Lords,

Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden – King of Sweden, close cousin of Elizabeth II,

Carlos Duke of Parma – Dutch royalty with many titles, and head of several orders, Knight of Malta,,_Duke_of_Parma

Mark Carney – governor of Bank of Canada, 13 years at Goldman Sachs,

Cynthia Carroll – CEO of Anglo American platinum mining,

Jaime Caruana – GM of Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-Governor of Bank of Spain,

Sir William Castell – Chairman of Wellcome Trust, Director of General Electric and BP

Anson Chan – Chinese politician involved in British rule of Hong Kong

Margaret Chan – Director-General of World Health Organization, ex Hong Kong government,

Norman Chan – Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Charles Prince of Wales – heir to throne of British Commonwealth, pushes “sustainable development” globalist and monetary manipulation of 3rd world countries in particular resource extraction and population control at United Nations and hundreds of NGO’s, Freemason, connected to murder of his first wife Princess Diana,

Richard Chartres – Anglican Bishop Of London

Stefano Delle Chiaie – “neofascist” Italian activist, Freemason, accused by a court of terrorism, connected to Operation Condor

Dr John Chipman – Director-General of globalist British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies,

Patokh Chodiev – Uzbek Oligarch living in London, net worth $3.3B, involved in mining, oil, gas, and banking

Christoph Prince of Schleswig-Holstein – Prince of Schleswig-Holstein,_Prince_of_Schleswig-Holstein

Fabrizio Cicchitto – Italian politician, Marxist, admitted to being in the Masonic lodge P2, involved in putting Italy into the EU

Wesley Clark – US general, ex-Supreme Allied Commander Europe in NATO, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, connected to Waco, ran for US President,

Kenneth Clarke – British politician and bureaucrat,

Nick Clegg – Deputy Prime Minister of UK,

Bill Clinton – ex-US President, ex-governor of Arkansas, Rhodes Scholar, involved in Balkans, involved in sheltering bin Laden, connected to Bush family, connected to international drug trafficking, connected to Rockefellers and Rothschilds, Freemason, connected to technology transfers to China,

Abby Joseph Cohen – US economist, Goldman Sachs, ex-Federal Reserve, Chairman of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Trustee of Cornell University,

Ronald Cohen – Egyptian-born British Jewish venture capitalist, educated at Oxford,

Gary Cohn – President and COO of Goldman Sachs

Marcantonio Colonna di Paliano Duke of Paliano – Duke of Paliano

Constantijn Prince of the Netherlands – third son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Constantine II King of Greece – last King of Greece,

David Cooksey – British venture capitalist, ex-Director of Bank of England, chairman of Bechtel, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Brian Cowen – ex-PM of Ireland, helped cause Ireland capitulation to IMF and EU,

Sir John Craven – Director of Reuters, ex-Director of Deutsche Bank, ex-chairman of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell

Andrew Crockett – British Banker, ex-GM of Bank for International Settlements, ex-Bank of England, employed at JP Morgan Chase, member of Group of 30, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Uri Dadush – Senior Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ex-World Bank, educated at Hebrew University and Harvard,

Tony D’Aloisio – Chairman of Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ex-Director of World Federation of Stock Exchanges, pushed globalist initiatives,

Alistair Darling – Scottish politician and MP,

Sir Howard Davies – British economist, Director of London School of Economics and Political Science, globalist initiatives and propaganda

Etienne Davignon – Belgian politician, ex-VP of European Commission, chairman of Bilderberg, chairman of Brussels Airlines,

David Davis – British MP,

Benjamin de Rothschild – Swiss Banker, descendant of French branch of Rothschild dynasty,

David Rene de Rothschild – chairman of Rothschild Continuations Holdings, French branch of Rothschild dynasty,

Evelyn de Rothschild – British financier, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons, ex-Director De Beers, ex-Director IBM UK, ex-director Daily Telegraph, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Leopold de Rothschild – British financier, ex-employee of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., Morgan Stanley, partner at N M Rothschilds and Sons,

Joseph Deiss – Swiss economist and politician, ex-President of the United Nations General Assembly, globalist,

Oleg Deripaska – Russian Oligarch, net worth $16.8B, CEO of Basic Element, CEO of United Company RUSAL aluminum, connected to Rothschilds,

Michael Dobson – British businessman, CEO of Schroders international asset management, connected to Rockefellers,

Mario Draghi – President of European Central Bank, ex- Governor of Bank of Italy, ex-Harvard professor,

Jan Du Plessis – South African Businessman, CEO of British American Tobacco, director of Lloyds TSB Group, chairman of Rio Tinto mining,

William C. Dudley – President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, ex-Goldman Sachs,

Wim Duisenberg – Dutch politician, ex-President of European Central Bank, ex-President of the Central bank of Netherlands, ex-IMF, DECEASED

Edward Duke of Kent – Duke of Kent, First Cousin to Elizabeth II, Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales, President of Scout Association,_Duke_of_Kent

Edward Earl of Wessex – Third son of Elizabeth II,,_Earl_of_Wessex

Elizabeth II Queen of the United Kingdom – Monarch of the British Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of Church of England, head of International Freemasonry, head of the Order of the Garter, head of Committee of 300, owns 1/6th of worlds landmass, connected to most crimes and fraud in the world,

John Elkann – Italian Industrialist, Owner of Fiat, Owner of Chrysler, CEO of Exor, member of Brookings Institution,

Vittorio Emanuele Prince of Naples – Prince of Naples, Duke of Savoy, member of P2 masonic lodge, accused by a court of murder,,_Prince_of_Naples

Ernst August Prince of Hanover – Prince of Hanover and married to heiress to throne of Monaco,,_Prince_of_Hanover

Martin Feldstein – American economist, Professor at Harvard, ex-adviser to Reagan,

Matthew Festing – British Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, officer of the Order of the British Empire,

François Fillon – Prime Minister of France,

Heinz Fischer – President of Austria,

Joschka Fischer – German politician, ex-Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany,

Stanley Fischer – American-Israeli economist, Governor of the Bank of Israel, ex-Chief Economist of World Bank, Bilderberg

Niall FitzGerald – Irish Businessman, ex-CEO of Unilever, member of World Economic Forum, connected to Merck, Bank of Ireland and Prudential,

Franz Duke of Bavaria – Duke of Bavaria, co-heir of House of tuart,,_Duke_of_Bavaria

Mikhail Fridman – Jewish Russian Oligarch, net worth $15.1B, member of Russian CFR, founder of Russian Jewish Congress,

Friso Prince of Orange-Nassau – Prince of Orange-Nassau, second son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Bill Gates – ex-CEO Microsoft, net worth $61B, allowed unfettered surveillance of MS Windows, connected to globalist depopulation efforts through vaccines,

Christopher Geidt – Private Secretary of Elizabeth II, educated at Oxford,

Timothy Geithner – US Treasury Secretary, ex-President New York Federal Reserve, connected to TARP bailout theft,

Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia – Prince of Prussia,,_Prince_of_Prussia

Dr Chris Gibson-Smith – Chairman of London Stock Exchange,

Mikhail Gorbachev – Ex-Premiere of Soviet Union, Club of Madrid, Globalist Initiatives,

Al Gore – ex-VP of USA, ex-US Senator, educated at Harvard, father was a senator connected to Armand Hammer – a communist Soviet,  Nobel Peace Prize for pushing Global Warming Scam,

Allan Gotlieb – Canadian bureaucrat, member Trilateral Commission, member of Carlyle Group, chairman of Sotheby’s Canada, globalist pushing North American Union,

Stephen Green – British baron, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, ex-Chairman HSBC, educated at Oxford and MIT,_Baron_Green_of_Hurstpierpoint

Alan Greenspan – ex-Chairman of US Federal Reserve, Knight Commander of the British Empire,

Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster – Duke of Westminster, net worth 7.35B pounds, richest property developer in UK,,_6th_Duke_of_Westminster

Jose Angel Gurria – Secretary General of NGO OECD, ex-CEO of National Development Bank of Mexico, ex-CEO of Foreign Trade Bank,

William Hague – Foreign Secretary of UK, educated at Oxford,

Sir Philip Hampton – Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, ex-finance director of Lloyds, BT Group, BG Group and British Steel,

Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein – Prince of Lichtenstein, owner of LGT Banking Group, net worth $7.6B,,_Prince_of_Liechtenstein

Harald V King of Norway – King of Norway,

Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada, Zionist, pusher of globalism and North American Union,

François Heisbourg – President of International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based globalist think tank

Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg – Duke of Luxembourg, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order,,_Grand_Duke_of_Luxembourg

Philipp Hildebrand – ex-head of Swiss National Bank, Oxford-educated,

Carla Anderson Hills – Co-chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, executive committee member of Trilateral Commission, ex-HUD secretary, pushes North American Union,

Richard Holbrooke – American bureaucrat, Presidential Advisor, connected to Vietnam, DECEASED

Patrick Honohan – Governor of Central Bank of Ireland,

Alan Howard – British hedge fund manager managing $26B of assets, ex-Salomon Brothers,

Alijan Ibragimov – Kyrgyzstani Oligarch, mining, oil and gas in Kazakhstan,

Stefan Ingves – Governor of central bank of Sweden,

Walter Isaacson – CEO of globalist think tank Aspen Institute, Managing Editor Time Magazine, Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors, connected to Katrina,

Juan Carlos King of Spain – King of Spain, many other titles,

Kenneth M. Jacobs – CEO of Lazard,

DeAnne Julius – Chairman of Chatham House (RIIA), ex-World Bank, ex-CIA, founding member of Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England,

Jean-Claude Juncker – Prime Minister of Luxembourg, ex-President of European Council,

Peter Kenen – Senior Fellow in International Economics at CFR, Ford Foundation, Globalist

John Kerry – US Senator, Presidential Candidate, Skull and Bones, family wealth from Heinz ketchup and the opium trade before that, Freemason, false heroics in Vietnam,

Mervyn King – Governor of the Bank of England, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire,

Glenys Kinnock – Council Member of European Council on Foreign Relations, ex-European Parliament, House of Lords,

Henry Kissinger – ex-US Secretary of State, Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Club, Nobel Peace Prize, connected to Vietnam and Cambodia, involved in Chile mass murder, connected to Balkans, accused by courts of war crimes and terrorism,

Malcolm Knight – Canadian Vice-Chairman of Deutsche Bank, ex-GM Bank for International Settlements, London education,

William H. Koon II – Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, no link

Paul Krugman – American Economist and Globalist propagandist, educated at Yale and London School of Economics, CFR,

John Kufuor – ex-President of Ghana, ex-Chairperson of the African Union,

Giovanni Lajolo – President of the Governate of Vatican City State, Cardinal emeritus President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City,

Anthony Lake – Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),

Richard Lambert – ex-Director-General of the CBI, Chancellor of University of Warwick UK, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Pascal Lamy – Director-General of World Trade Organization,

Jean-Pierre Landau – ex-IMF, ex-Board of Directors for Bank for International Settlements, ex Bank of France,

Timothy Laurence – husband of the only daughter of Elizabeth II,

James Leigh-Pemberton – British Banker, Receiver-General for Duchy of Cornwall (Prince of Wales), educated at Eton, ex-S.G. Warburg and Co. and managing director at Credit Suisse

Leka Crown Prince of Albania – Prince of Albania, heir to King of Albania,

Mark Leonard – British globalist in think tanks and propagandist, co-founder and director of European CFR,

Peter Levene – British Baron, chairman of NBNK Investments, ex-Lord mayor of City of London,

Lev Leviev – Bukharian-Israeli Oligarch, net worth $12B, diamond mining in Angola, and Palestinian settlements,

Arthur Levitt – ex-Chairman of SEC, advisor at Carlyle Group,

President of CSV Jewish Care, Jewish Free School, and JLGB

Joe Lieberman – American-Israeli Senator, connected to 911, connected to Patriot Act, connected to many tyrannical laws,

Ian Livingston – CEO of BT (British Telecom),

Lee Hsien Loong – Prime minister of Singapore, British-educated,

Lorenz of Belgium Archduke of Austria-Este – Belgian royalty,,_Archduke_of_Austria-Este

Louis Alphonse Duke of Anjou – Duke of Anjou, claimant to defunct King of France,,_Duke_of_Anjou

Gerard Louis-Dreyfus – chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services, net worth $2.9B,

Mabel Princess of Orange-Nassau – wife of 2nd son of Queen Beatrix of Netherlands,

Peter Mandelson – British bureaucrat, MP, ex-European Commissioner for Trade, connected to Rothschilds,

Sir David Manning – ex-British Ambassador to the United States, connected to Iraq invasion, ex-British ambassador to Israel,

Margherita Archduchess of Austria-Este – Wife of Archduke of Austria-Este,_Archduchess_of_Austria-Este

Margrethe II Queen of Denmark – Queen of Denmark,

Guillermo Ortiz Martinez – Mexican bureaucrat, ex-ambassador to IMF,

Alexander Mashkevitch – Khazak-Israeli Oligarch, metals and gas in Khazakstan, connected to ENRC,

Stefano Massimo Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci – Scion of Massimo dynasty and Italian royalty,

Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano – Massimo dynasty and royalty

William Joseph McDonough – vice chairman of Merril Lynch, ex-President of NY Federal Reserve, ex-First National Bank of Chicago, CFR

Mack McLarty – ex-White House Chief of Staff under Clinton, CEO of McLarty Companies, board of directors Arkla Gas, National Petroleum Council, connected to Kissinger,

Yves Mersch – Governor of Central Bank of Luxembourg, member of European Central Bank governing council, connected to BIIS,

Michael Prince of Kent – British Royalty, 1st cousin of Elizabeth II, grandmaster of two Masonic lodges,

Michael King of Romania – King of Romania, 3rd cousin of Elizabeth II, connected to communism,

David Miliband – British bureaucrat,

Ed Miliband – British bureaucrat and MP, educated at Oxford and London School of Economics, father was Marxist,

Lakshmi Mittal – Indian steel magnate, CEO of ArcelorMittal – – world’s largest steel company, connected to Goldman Sachs,

Glen Moreno – acting chairman of UK Financial Investments Limited which manages the UK government bank shareholdings, ex-Citigroup, director of Fidelity International, chairman of Pearson, connected to Lloyds Banking,

Moritz Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel – Prince of Hesse-Kassel,,_Landgrave_of_Hesse

Rupert Murdoch – Australian-American media mogul, owner of NewsCorp and Fox, accused by courts of bribery, wiretapping , libel, lying, insider trading, Freemason, connected to Norway mass shooting, connected to 911, connected to illegal Iraq War,

Charles Napoleon – head of Imperial House of France,

Jacques Nasser – Lebanese Chairman of BHP Billiton, connected to JP Morgan Chase, Sky Corp and Ford Motors,

Robin Niblett – Director of Chatham House (RIIA) – connected to every war, mass theft and atrocity since 1920,

Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster, head of Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, connected to abuse of boys,

Adolfo Nicolas – 30th Black Pope, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), head of largest male order of Vatican,

Christian Noyer – Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements, governor of Bank of France, ex-VP Executive Board of the European Central Bank,

Sammy Ofer – Israeli shipping tycoon, net worth $10.3B with brother Yuli, DECEASED,

Alexandra Ogilvy Lady Ogilvy – Princess of UK, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_The_Honourable_Lady_Ogilvy

David Ogilvy 13th Earl of Airlie – married to Princess Alexandra, Lord Chamberlain, educated at Eton, Knight of the Thistle, ex-Director of Schroders,,_13th_Earl_of_Airlie

Jorma Ollila – Chairman of Nokia, board of directors of Ford Motor Company, non-executive chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, ex-Citibank, Bilderberg,
Nicky Oppenheimer – South African chairman of De Beers diamond mining, shareholder in Anglo American mining, net worth $6B,
George Osborne – British Bureaucrat, Chancellor of the Exchequer of UK, ex-MP, Bullingdon Club at Oxford, connected to Rotshchilds,

Frederic Oudea – CEO Societe Generale,

Sir John Parker – ex-Chairman of National Grid and Anglo American mining, ex-Bank of England, knighted by Elizabeth II,

Chris Patten – chairman of BBC Trust, last Governor of British-held Hong Kong, ex-MP, connected to Pope Benedict,

Michel Pebereau – Chairman of National Bank of Paris,

Gareth Penny – CEO of AMG Mining the #1 mining company in world, ex-De Beers and Anglo American mining, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, Eton
Shimon Peres – President of Israel, ex-PM of Israel, connected to assassination of Y. Rabin, false peacemaker, connected to 911,

Philip Duke of Edinburgh – husband of Elizabeth II, a German-Danish royal, patron of over 800 organizations, globalist, racist, has spoken publicly in favor of mass genocide and depopulation, Freemason, alleged to have given order to murder his grandson’s mother Princess Diana

Dom Duarte Pio Duke of Braganza – Duke of Braganza,,_Duke_of_Braganza

Karl Otto Pohl – German economist, President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-Chairman of Central Bank Council,

Colin Powell – ex-US Secretary of State, retired general, ex-Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, ex-National Security Adviser to Reagan, connected to both Iraq wars,

Mikhail Prokhorov – Russian Oligarch, ex-owner of Norilsk Nickel, ex-chairman of Polyus Gold, ex-President of ONEXIM GROUP $17B investment fund, net worth $13.2B,

Guy Quaden – Governor of National Bank of Belgium, member of governing board of European Central Bank,

Anders Fogh Rasmussen – Secretary-General of NATO, ex-PM of Denmark, ex-President of European Union, connected to Iraq war,

Joseph Alois Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) – 265th Pope, ex-Hitler Youth, participated in Vatican II, head of Inquisition at Vatican, covered up untold number of abuse cases allowing them to continue and the perpetrators to remain unpunished, covered up Native Canadian Holocaust (by UK and Vatican) discoveries

David Reuben – British Jewish Oligarch, net worth with brother of $9B, CEO of Reuben Brothers, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests

Simon Reuben – British Jewish Oligarch, net worth with brother of $9B, CEO of Reuben Brothers, owner Trans-World Metals, owner of Global Switch, many other business interests

William R. Rhodes – CEO William R. Rhodes Global Advisers, ex-Citigroup and Citibank, involved in international banking schemes in South America, Director of Private Export Funding Corporation, CFR, globalist, and much much more

Susan Rice – US Ambassador to United Nations, ex-National Security Council, Rhodes Scholar, connected to Clinton,

Richard Duke of Gloucester – Duke of Gloucester, cousin of Elizabeth II,,_Duke_of_Gloucester

Sir Malcolm Rifkind – British Bureaucrat, ex-Secretary of State for Scotland, Defence Secretary, Foreign Secretary, ex-MP,

Sir John Ritblat – ex-CEO of British Land Company, head of several British royal organizations,

Stephen S. Roach – A senior executive at Morgan Stanley, professor at Yale and Jackson Institute for Global Affairs,

Mary Robinson – ex-President of Ireland, ex-United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, received Presidential medal for Freedom for knowing when to talk and when not to as it refers to human rights

David Rockefeller Jr. – eldest son of David Rockefeller, 4th generation member of Rockefeller dynasty, Rockefeller foundations used to sew evil worldwide and particularly in USA, in the guise of good,,_Jr.

David Rockefeller Sr. – patriarch of Rockefeller family, net worth $2.9B, owner Chase Manhattan Bank, owner of Exxon Mobil, connected to CIA, connected to Kissinger, admitted head of a globalist cabal, strict control of much of US media, Trilateral Commission,
Nicholas Rockefeller – Rockefeller dynasty, warned Aaron Russo of 911, no link
Javier Echevarria Rodriguez – Spanish Roman Catholic Bishop, Head of Opus Dei,

Kenneth Rogoff – Professor of Economics at Harvard, ex-IMF, Board of Governors Federal Reserve,

Jean-Pierre Roth – Chairman of Board of Bank for International Settlements, governor of IMF for Switzerland, ex-Chairman Swiss National Bank, director of Nestle and Swatch,

Jacob Rothschild – 4th Baron Rothschild, Chairman of RIT Capital investments, Eton education, ex-chairman N M Rothschild & Sons, Council for the Duchy of Cornwall of Prince of Wales, Advisory Board of Blackstone Group, ex-Chairman of BSkyB Television, Director of RHJ International,
David Rubenstein – co-founder Carlyle Group, net worth $2.6B, CFR, presidential advisor To Carter,

Robert Rubin – ex-US Treasury Secretary, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Citigroup, Co-chair of CFR, executive board at Harvard, ex-board of directors of NYSE, board of trustees Carnegie Corp. and U.s Securities and Exchange Commission, connected to Enron,

Francesco Ruspoli 10th Prince of Cerveteri – Italian royalty,,_10th_Prince_of_Cerveteri

Joseph Safra – Syrian-Brazilian Jewish banker, Owner of Safra Group, net worth $11.4B,

Moises Safra – Syrian-Brazilian Jewish banker, co-founder Banco Safra,

Peter Sands – British banker, CEO of Standard Chartered, Oxford and Harvard-educated, Board of Directors – Institute of International Finance

Nicolas Sarkozy – ex-President of France (5/15/12), bureaucrat,

Isaac Sassoon – born into Sassoon dynasty of London, Sephardic Rabbi, author,

James Sassoon – Commercial Secretary to the Treasury in UK Treasury, House of Lords, adviser to UK PM David Cameron,

Sir Robert John Sawers – Chief of Secret Intelligence Service of UK (MI6), ex-British Permanent Representative to UN, ex-Foreign Affairs Advisor to Tony Blair,

Marjorie Scardino – CEO Pearson PLC, non-executive director of Nokia, ex-CEO of Economist Group,

Klaus Schwab – founder of World Economic Forum, ex-Professor at Geneva University,

Karel Schwarzenberg – Prince of Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg,

Stephen A. Schwarzman – co-founder Blackstone Group, net worth $4.7B, Yale Skull and Bones, also educated at Harvard, ex-Lehman Brothers,

Sidney Shapiro – Jewish-American, naturalized Chinese, member of China’s People’s Political Consultative Council,

Nigel Sheinwald – British bureaucrat, ex-British Ambassador to US, adviser to Tony Blair, Knight Grand Cross,

Sigismund Grand Duke of Tuscany Archduke of Austria – Grand Duke of Tuscany and Archduke of Austria, Grand Master of the Order of Saint Joseph,,_Grand_Duke_of_Tuscany

Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha – Prime Minister of Bulgaria, ex-Tsar of Bulgaria, cousin of Elizabeth II (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Dynasty),
Olympia Snowe – US Senator, worked for William Cohen, connected to Rockefeller, helped acquit Bill Clinton during impeachment, supported Kosovo war, Afghanistan and Iraq, pro-abortion,

Sofia Queen of Spain – Wife of King Juan Carlos of Spain, Princess of Greece and Denmark, cousin of Elizabeth II,

George Soros – Jewish Hungarian-American Oligarch, chairman of Soros Fund Management hedge fund, net worth $20B, chairman of Open Society Institute, described Nazi occupation of Hungary and his accompanying an official seizing Jewish property as “the best time of my life”, attended London School of Economics, globalist and vulture tied to numerous economic upheavals and contrived revolutions especially in Eastern Europe,

Arlen Specter – US Senator, Jewish, educated at Yale, ex-Federal Judge, devised “single bullet theory” in Warren Commission JFK assassination cover-up, professor at University of Pennsylvania Law School, helped push Iraq war and Patriot Act,

Ernest Stern – ex-Managing Director of World Bank, ex-Director JP Morgan, member of Group of 30, Director of Center for Global Development, on Board of Overseers International Center for Economic Growth,,

Dennis Stevenson – British Baron, House of Lords, Commander of the Order of the British Empire award, knighted by Elizabeth II, Director of British Technology Group, Tyne Tees Television, Manpower Inc., Thames Television, J. Rothschild Assurance, English partnerships, BSkyB, Lazard Bros, St. James Place Capital, Chairman of Maocap and Aldeburgh Music, director of Western Union, Loudwater Partners and the Economist, Chair of HBOS formerly Halifax plc and Bank of Scotland, Chancellor of University of Arts London,,_Baron_Stevenson_of_Coddenham

Tom Steyer – founder of Farallon Capital Management hedge fund, Board of Trustees Stanford University, connected to Warren Buffett, educated at Yale, ex-Goldman Sachs, connected to Robert Rubin, ex-Morgan Stanley, connected to Hillary Clinton,

Joseph Stiglitz – Jewish-American economist author and professor, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of World Bank, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for a technique called screening used to extract private information from another economic agent, founder of globalist think tank Initiative for Policy Dialogue, professor at Columbia University, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, ex-professor MIT, Yale, Stanford, Duke, Oxford and Princeton, chair of President’s Council of Economic Advisers under Clinton,

Dominique Strauss-Kahn – French politician, ex-Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF), ex-Minister of Economy and Finance, ex-Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, Communist, accused by a court of sexual assault,

Jack Straw – British politician, MP, ex-Home Secretary, ex-Foreign Secretary, ex-Leader of the House of Commons, ex-Lord High Chancellor, ex-Secretary of State for Justice, ex-Shadow Lord High Chancellor, allegations of rendition and torture,

Peter Sutherland – chairman of Goldman Sachs International, EU Commissioner, ex-Attorney General of Ireland, ex-Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), ex-director of Royal Bank of Scotland, formerly on board of ABB, steering committee of Bilderberg, Honorary Chairman of Trilateral Commission, ex-vice chairman of European Round Table of Industrialists, connected to getting Ireland into the EU, President of globalist British think tank Federal Trust for Education and Research, member of British pro-European and globalist think tank Businesses for New Europe, Goodwill Ambassador to the UNIDO (UN), Chair of London School of Economics council, financial adviser to the Vatican, co-Chairman of High Level Group, connected to Rockefeller, honorary knighthood by Elizabeth II,

Mary Tanner – British Anglican, President of the World Council of Churches, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire,

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi – Italian Banker, President of the Vatican Bank,

Mark Thompson – Director-General of the BBC, Jesuit-educated, also Oxford-educated, general public accusations of bias,

Dr. James Thomson – ex-President and CEO of RAND Corporation, ex-National Security Council, CFR, member of globalist think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies, director of AK steel Corporation, Encysive Pharmaceuticals, and Object Reservoir,

Hans Tietmeyer – Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bank for International Settlements (BIS), ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-President of London Business School, member of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Professor at Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt,

Jean-Claude Trichet – French ex-President of European Central Bank, member of Group of 30, ex-governor of Banque de France, pushes for greater European Integration, chairman of Breugel’s, on board of European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company,

Paul Tucker – executive director Bank of England, Deputy Governor of Bank of England

Herman Van Rompuy – President of the European Council, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, ex-PM of Belgium,

Alvaro Uribe Velez – President of Colombia, educated at Harvard, awarded Simon Bolivar Scholarship of the British Chevenin Scholarships, Senior Associate member at St. Antony’s College at Oxford, alleged connections to Medellin Drug Cartel, major proponent of Communitarianism, connected to IMF and World Bank, awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bush 43,

Alfons Verplaetse – ex-Governor National Bank of Belgium, board of governors of the European Monetary Institute, Governing Council of European Central Bank,

Kaspar Villiger – ex-Chairman of the Board of Swiss bank UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), ex-member of Swiss federal Council, board of directors of Nestle and Swiss Re, member of globalist Global Leadership Foundation,

Maria Vladimirovna Grand Duchess of Russia – Grand Duchess of Russia, Oxford-educated, disputed heiress to Empress of Russia and to head of Romanov dynasty, Dame Grand Cross Sovereign Military
Order of Malta,,_Grand_Duchess_of_Russia

Paul Volcker – ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve, ex-Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under Obama, educated at Princeton, Harvard, and London School of Economics, Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Fellow, connected to end of the dollar gold standard in US, ex-chairman of Wolfensohn & Co., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission, member of Trust Committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc. ex- Chase Bank,

Otto von Habsburg – Archduke of Austria, ex-Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, ex-Head of Imperial House of Habsburg, Sovereign of the Order of the Golden Fleece, ex-Vice President of International Paneuropean Union, ex-European Parliament, played a role in Eastern European revolutions against Communist rule, DECEASED

Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah Sultan of Brunei – LISTED TWICE
Sir David Walker – ex-chairman Morgan Stanley International, ex-Assistant Secretary of UK Treasury, ex-chairman of Securities and Investments Board, Executive Director for finance and industry at Bank of England, ex-Deputy Chairman of Lloyds TSB, member of Group of 30, ex-Reuters Holdings, Chairman of London Investment Bankers’ Association,

Jacob Wallenberg – Swedish banker and industrialist, ex-President and CEO of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, board of directors of Atlas Copco, SAS Group, ABB group, Coca-Cola Company, Investor, Stockholm School of Economics, Knight of the Order of the Seraphim,

John Walsh – ex-US Comptroller of Currency, ex-executive director of Group of 30, ex-staff of US Senate Banking Committee, ex-US Treasury Department, helped implement Basel III in US, DECEASED

Max Warburg – Owner of M.M. Warburg and Co. , scion of Jewish Warburg banking dynasty,

Axel Alfred Weber – German economist and banker, chairman of the Board of UBS, ex-President of Deutsche Bundesbank, ex-member of European Central Bank Governing Council, professor at University of Chicago, ex-Board of Directors Bank for International Settlements,

Michel David-Weill – French Investment banker, ex-Chairman of Lazard Freres, director of Groupe Danone foods, Commander of the Legion of Honor, Commander of Ordre des Arts et des Lettres

Nout Wellink – Dutch economist and central banker, President of De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Director of the Bank for International Settlements, member of Governing Council of European Central Bank, Governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), member of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), ex-Dutch Ministry of Finance, Trilateral Commission, ex-chairman of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion,

Marina von Neumann Whitman – ex-Director Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at University of Michigan, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, board of directors at Peterson Institute, ex-VP of General Motors Corp., ex-Council of Economic Advisors, ex-board of Trustees Princeton University,

Willem-Alexander Prince of Orange – Prince of Orange, Prince of Netherlands, heir to throne of Kingdom of Netherlands, eldest son of Queen Beatrix, head of House of Amsberg, cousin of Elizabeth II, member of Global Water Partnership established by World Bank, UN and Sweden, member of Raad van State, member of many international orders,,_Prince_of_Orange

William Prince of Wales – Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Second in Line to throne of British Commonwealth, educated at Eton College, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, descendant of several powerful royal dynasties,,_Duke_of_Cambridge

Dr Rowan Williams – Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, titular head of Anglican Church, educated at Oxford, Professor at Oxford,

Shirley Williams – President of Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), British Baron, House of Lords, ex-MP, Professor at Harvard, educated at Oxford, CFR, Bilderberg, member of many globalist think tanks and organizations,

David Wilson – Baron Wilson of Tillyorn, ex-Governor of Hong Kong, ex-Chairman of Scottish Hydro Electric, member of Board of British Council, Knight of the Thistle, President of Royal Society of Edinburgh,,_Baron_Wilson_of_Tillyorn

James Wolfensohn – ex-President of World Bank Group, educated at Harvard, ex-director J. Henry Schroder & Co investment bank, ex-Salomon Brothers executive, founder of Wolfensohn & Company, chairman of International Advisory Board of Citigroup, member of International Advisory Council for China Investment Corporation, trustee of globalist Brookings Institution, trustee of Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, globalist Aspen Institute, knighthood of the Order of the British Empire, connected to Rothschilds,

Neal S. Wolin – US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, National Security Council under Clinton, educated at Yale, executive assistant to 3 CIA directors, member of Brookings Institution, CEO of Hartford Financial Services Group, CFR

Harry Woolf – Baron Woolf, Jewish-British, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, ex-Master of the Rolls, ex-judge in Hong Kong,

James Jr. Woolsey – ex-head of CIA, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, also educated at Yale, member of many globalist foundations, think tanks and NGO’s, ex-chairman of Freedom House, Senior Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton, member of Project for a New American Century linked to 911 and Iraq war, tied to global warming scam, employee of Lux Capital, co-founder US Energy Security Council, accused of profiting from Iraq War and a crusader-like zealousness for conflict with Islam,,_Jr.

Sir Robert Worcester – founder of Market and Opinion Research International (MORI), International Director of Ipsos Group, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Freeman of the City of London, trustee of Magna Carta Trust, member of many globalist organizations,

Sarah Wu – Director General of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (London),_London

Robert Zoellick – President of World Bank, educated at Harvard, ex-US Department of Treasury, ex-Executive VP of Fannie Mae, ex-Professor at US Naval Academy, ex-White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bush 41, member of PNAC linked to 911 and Iraq War, ex-head of globalist Center for International Studies, ex-advisory board Enron, ex-member of Executive Office under Bush 43, helped bring China into WTO, heavily promoted the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), tied to legal attempts by WTO to force Genetically modified foods in the European Union, promotes globalism,

The ADMITTED “nations” of the British Commonwealth (ALL “former” colonies”):

The Gambia
Sierra Leone


Sri Lanka

Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
St Kitts and Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago


Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands
Western Samoa


United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales)

How many more?

*The net worths are estimated and are the Wikipedia figures, which are almost certainly smaller in some cases. Conspirator details are not implied to be exhaustive. The list includes several now deceased members, and the Sultan of Brunei is listed twice (so 1 member is missing from the start). The expected changes since 2010 should also be taken into consideration